lf in the west

Frank Gentges KØBRA fgentges@mindspring.com
Tue, 02 Apr 2002 17:06:18 -0500


We are glad to see your interest in LF.  We have lots going on here and our 
LF converter design was published in the April issue of QST.  I happen to 
think it works pretty well.  Tim Brannon's design is also good.  Our 
article describes the differences between several LF converters including 

Try the converter with the AMRAD active antenna for some real 
performance.  You might want to borrow a good ham HF receiver after you get 
the active antenna and converter working together and see how much you 
might gain over your Sony receiver.  I suspect you might find an improvement.

Frank  K0BRA

At 01:14 PM 4/2/02 -0800, Jeff Foster wrote:
>I have been reading your pages and find them very interesting.
>I listen a bit to nature radio and have built both the BBB-$ and one
>based on an op-07 . I am interested in more lf stuff. I will need to
>build a LF convertor for my little sony sw. Dose amrad have a plan yet?
>not sure how I can help way out here on the west cost, but I can build
>and test stuff if needed. oh, plannin gon building the "yet another LF 
>preamp, byN4ICK. seem usefull. the converter I am planning on, if amrad 
>does not have one is by Tim Brannon, KF5CQ, from the lwca.org library.
>thanks for the great web pages, fun to read and see the folks.
>Jeff Foster - SDA UNIX
>UC Berkeley CA
>The expressed views above are my own and do not necessarily reflect the
>collective offical view of SDA, CCS, IST or UC Berkeley.
>Tacos mailing list

Frank Gentges KØBRA
LF web site at <http://www.amrad.org/projects/lf>