No subject

Tue Apr 7 21:29:18 CDT 2009

OK, here's a couple of brief summaries that give an overview of my
presentation.  The first targets adults, the second youth.

"Hey there adults--Have you ever heard someone say that there's not
enough young people in ham radio?  Have you yourself thought that but
not known what to do about it?  Have you tried to introduce young
people to ham radio only to see their eyes glaze over?  Or maybe a
young person you know got their license and never picked up a
microphone or code key after they left the exam session.  If so,
you're not alone; many hams are frustrated by these same issues.  So,
let's work together to come up with a solution! Come find out why it's
important to involve young people in this great hobby of ours and how
to do so successfully.  Learn about proven techniques for getting
youth licensed AND keeping them active, and hear stories about people
who have been successful in doing just that."

"Hey there youth--Did you know that there are many young people across
the country involved in ham radio?  Did you know that all of these
young people have a license from the Federal Communications Commission
authorizing them to use equipment that the average person is not
allowed to use?  Did you know that there's all sorts of really neat
things you can do with ham radio, such as talking to astronauts,
riding in the lead car of parades, learning the secret language of
Morse Code, and sometimes even meeting famous people?  Come find out
exactly how you can get involved in this great hobby and what very
important role YOU can play.  We'll also talk about what's in it for
you!  If you're already a young ham, come share your experiences and
find out how to get even MORE involved in ham radio!"

Her bio:

Article =93DXpedition to Planet Mars=94 Jan 2009 QST by her on her
experiences in Utah pretending it was Mars.

She was the ARRL youth contributing editor from 2003 to 2008.  She was
recipient of 2003 Hiram Percy Maxim Award and the 2004 Young Ham of
the Year. She also won the 2007 William Goldfarb Scholarship.

But most important she is a member of FISTS, the International Morse
Preservation Society. :)

There is a lot more that can be said about her and her organization
skills and her community service work.

She is currently an undergraduate in Aerospace Engineering at Georgia Tech.

Oakton High School

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