2009 Archives by date
Starting: Thu Jan 1 01:04:38 CST 2009
Ending: Tue Dec 22 18:31:00 CST 2009
Messages: 824
- 2009
andre kesteloot
- Have a happy and safe 2009
A. Maitland Bottoms
- NVIS book search
Bill Liles
- 2009
Philip Miller Tate
- Have a happy and safe 2009
Philip Miller Tate
- Have a happy and safe 2009
Richard O'Neill
- 2009
- Interesting Junk
Frank Gentges
- Interesting Junk
Bob Bruninga
- Histories of Cryptography and Cryptography Declassified, Sort of
Metavox LLC
- Interesting Junk
Richard O'Neill
- Interesting Junk
Frank Gentges
- Histories of Cryptography and Cryptography Declassified, Sort of
Robert Stratton
- NS-40 Class E Transmitter on a Postcard
A. Maitland Bottoms
- NS-40 Class E Transmitter on a Postcard
andre kesteloot
- Fwd: Information for you and AMRAD members
prinaldo at cox.net
- IEEE Meetings in the National Capital Area during January
andre kesteloot
- TAPR High Performance Software Defined Radio
- FCC authorizes Jamming Test
fgentges at mindspring.com
- TAPR High Performance Software Defined Radio
Frank Gentges
- TAPR High Performance Software Defined Radio
Terry Fox
- Engineering not an attractive career path enyomore
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Hamvention New Look
Joe Bento
- NS-40 Class E Transmitter on a Postcard
Joe Bento
- NS-40 Class E Transmitter on a Postcard
Bob Bruninga
- NS-40 Class E Transmitter on a Postcard
- Hamvention New Look
Frank Gentges
- NS-40 Class E Transmitter on a Postcard
Robert E. Seastrom
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Frank Gentges
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Bob Bruninga
- Hamvention New Look
Joseph Bento
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Alex Fraser
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Tad G
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Bob Bruninga
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
andre kesteloot
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
- Fwd: NS-40 Class E Transmitter on a Postcard
Philip Miller Tate
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Alex Fraser
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Bob Bruninga
- More Help with the DTV transition
Douglas Gentges
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Bob Bruninga
- FCC DTV channel assignment and coverage maps
Ralph Wallio, W0RPK
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Mike O'Dell
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
- FCC DTV channel assignment and coverage maps
Alex Fraser
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
- FCC DTV channel assignment and coverage maps
Bob Rice, KG4RRN
- $150 processor card ideal for self-contained SDR (transceiver?)
Michael O'Dell
- Circuit City to liquidate
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Local Charleston SDR hardware
Terry Fox
- Local Charleston SDR hardware
Metavox LLC
- Local Charleston SDR hardware
- FW: How to fail at exams with dignity
Terry Fox
- How to fail at exams with dignity
Philip Miller Tate
- $150 processor card ideal for self-contained SDR (transceiver?)
Alberto di Bene
- $150 processor card ideal for self-contained SDR (transceiver?)
Michael O'Dell
- $150 processor card ideal for self-contained SDR (transceiver?)
Alberto di Bene
- Hertz Warfare Software
andre kesteloot
- Circuit City to liquidate V2
Metavox LLC
- Circuit City to liquidate V2
Joseph Bento
- Circuit City to liquidate V2
- Circuit City to liquidate V2
- Circuit City to liquidate V2
Michael O'Dell
- Circuit City to liquidate V2
andre kesteloot
- Circuit City to liquidate V2
- Technology Review: Blogs: TR Editors' blog: EPA's Voluntary Nanomaterials Program Ineffective
Richard Barth
- Circuit City to liquidate V2
Mike O'Dell
- Circuit City to liquidate V2
Philip Miller Tate
- Circuit City to liquidate V2
Michael O'Dell
- The Naiveté of EPA is frightening...
andre kesteloot
- Circuit City to liquidate V2
Alex Fraser
- The DRAM drama
andre kesteloot
- The DRAM drama
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Mistakes
andre kesteloot
- Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Mistakes
Philip Miller Tate
- Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Mistakes
andre kesteloot
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Will Russell
- Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Mistakes
Joe Bento
- Hamvention 2009
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Alex Fraser
- Cornell article
Fred, KF9GX
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Will Russell
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Frank Gentges
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Michael O'Dell
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
- Circuit City to Liquidate V3
Metavox LLC
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
Will Russell
- telly-vision
Michael O'Dell
- telly-vision
Robert E. Seastrom
- IEEE BPL Standard Announced
prinaldo at cox.net
- IEEE BPL Standard Announced
fgentges at mindspring.com
- IEEE BPL Standard Announced
Michael O'Dell
- Motorola Application Notes
Andre Kesteloot
- Call for newsletter articles
prinaldo at cox.net
andre kesteloot
- Maybe she could apply for a Ham License ?
andre kesteloot
Robert Bruninga
- this is nothing short of remarkable...
Michael O'Dell
- this is nothing short of remarkable...
Joseph Bento
- Verilog Class Lecture 1 (long)
Frank Gentges
- Maybe she could apply for a Ham License ?
Metavox LLC
- this is nothing short of remarkable...
Robert E. Seastrom
- this is nothing short of remarkable...
Robert E. Seastrom
- this is nothing short of remarkable...
Tom Azlin, N4ZPT
- Early TV systems
andre kesteloot
- Anyone do Surface Mount Soldering?
Tad G
- FW: [hpsdr] Verilog Class Lecture 2
Terry Fox
- Fredrick MD Father's Day Hamfest
fgentges at mindspring.com
Michael Chisena
- Two new things about which we should be concerned
andre kesteloot
- Off again
Alex Fraser
- Off again
Michael O'Dell
- Off again
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
A. Maitland Bottoms
- Incoming President Requests DTV Cutover Delay
andre kesteloot
- Norman Augustine on the future of the US
andre kesteloot
- arduino-based autopilots for model aircraft
Robert E. Seastrom
- Norman Augustine on the future of the US
Philip Miller Tate
- Norman Augustine on the future of the US
Joseph Bento
- Norman Augustine on the future of the US
John Teller
- Electronic Design Magazine: Take the FPGA Plunge
Andre Kesteloot
- Norman Augustine on the future of the US
Philip Miller Tate
- Working on SDR & GNURadio
Terry Fox
- Fwd: Nutty Microwave
prinaldo at cox.net
- More TV Restructuring?
Frank Gentges
- Stratfor : A Satellite collision
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Detroit's latest electric cars
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Mego servers in California
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Mego servers in California
Robert E. Seastrom
- WTB DB 9 Punch
Michael Chisena
- WTB DB 9 Punch
Michael O'Dell
- acorn fade
Robert E. Seastrom
- VWS Winterfest, Sunday
prinaldo at cox.net
- A REALLY small radio
andre kesteloot
- acorn fade
Philip Miller Tate
- A REALLY small radio
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Remote control
Alex Fraser
- Screwing around with video browsing results
Alex Fraser
- Remote control
andre kesteloot
- DTV Converter Box Confusion = Danger
andre kesteloot
- DTV Converter Box Confusion = Danger
Philip Miller Tate
- 1 KW AM Broacast Tx for sale
andre kesteloot
- AppCAD Design Software from Agilent (HP)
Andre Kesteloot
- ebay repeater in berryville
Alex Fraser
- Re Expanding broadband to bail out economies ???
- Expanding broadband to bail out economies ???
andre kesteloot
- Fwd: Oldest Boeing Airliner In Flying Condition>& Ft. Devens
Richard Barth
- Re Expanding broadband to bail out economies ???
Metavox LLC
- Re Expanding broadband to bail out economies ???
Dave - WB6DHW
- Re Expanding broadband to bail out economies ???
Michael O'Dell
- Re Expanding broadband to bail out economies ???
Alex Fraser
- Facebook and social engineering
andre kesteloot
- antenna for 80 and 160
Michael O'Dell
- OT: Paul Harvey....Obit......End of an Era
Howard Cunningham
- here's something that'll make you *really* popular in certain environs...
Michael O'Dell
- here's something that'll make you *really* popular in certain environs...
Patrick Gray
- this is a most excellent screed
Michael O'Dell
- Facebook and social engineering
Alex Fraser
- antenna for 80 and 160
Robert E. Seastrom
- Facebook and social engineering
- [Fwd: FW: What happened to the plane that they removed from the Hudson River?]
Richard Barth
- Digital TV
Alex Fraser
- ARRL : Inaction by FCC about BPL Court Ruling
andre kesteloot
- Goodies Galore :-)
andre kesteloot
- Goodies Galore :-)
Michael O'Dell
- Goodies Galore :-)
Glenn Baumgartner
- fresh pics from Pripyat
Robert E. Seastrom
- Fwd: Wall Street Economics
Richard Barth
- Remarkable briefing on the Lone Grove tornado
Michael O'Dell
- AGI web page on Iridium 33 and Cosmos 2251 Satellite Collision
Ralph Wallio, W0RPK
- FW: QCWA Chapter 91 Special Invitation
David Rogers
- WWV's Voice
andre kesteloot
- Erasing a Hard-Disk
andre kesteloot
- Erasing a Hard-Disk
Michael O'Dell
- AO-27
prinaldo at cox.net
- AO-27
- AO-27
andre kesteloot
- AO-27
Michael O'Dell
- websdr
- websdr
Frank Gentges
- uh, i don't think the butt-set toner is gonna help much
Michael O'Dell
- really cool SDR.... www.hypres.com
Michael O'Dell
- uh, i don't think the butt-set toner is gonna help much
Joseph Bento
- really cool SDR.... www.hypres.com
Frank Gentges
- uh, i don't think the butt-set toner is gonna help much
Philip Miller Tate
- uh, i don't think the butt-set toner is gonna help much
Joseph Bento
- Cell phone extenders
Terry Fox
- Cell phone extenders
Sean Sheedy
- Cell phone extenders
- Flying Car Lifts Off in Maiden Flight: Discovery News
Richard Barth
- Smart Grid may be Hacked to Generate Blackouts
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Smart Grid may be Hacked to Generate Blackouts
Tom Azlin, N4ZPT
- Smart Grid may be Hacked to Generate Blackouts
John Teller
- Smart Grid may be Hacked to Generate Blackouts
Robert E. Seastrom
- Smart Grid may be Hacked to Generate Blackouts
Philip Miller Tate
- High Voltage
Alex Fraser
- High Voltage
Bob Bruhns
- High Voltage
John Teller
- Verichip Hackcess
Bob Rice, KG4RRN
- High Voltage
Alex Fraser
- AMRAD Wiki at Timonium Hamfest
Frank Gentges
- Operating Systems You Once Loved?
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Operating Systems You Once Loved?
John Teller
- Operating Systems You Once Loved?
- Operating Systems You Once Loved?
Robert E. Seastrom
- The amateur as terrorist
Richard Barth
Richard Barth
- here's a cheery little item
Michael O'Dell
Alberto di Bene
- here's a cheery little item
andre kesteloot
- here's a cheery little item
John Teller
- The amateur as terrorist
John Teller
- here's a cheery little item
Philip Miller Tate
- here's a cheery little item
Joseph Bento
- here's a cheery little item
Philip Miller Tate
- More on the "cheery little item"
andre kesteloot
- More on the "cheery little item"
Michael O'Dell
- Interesting device
Alex Fraser
- bombe
- there were all these relays laying around
- Hardware hacking... with videos
A. Maitland Bottoms
- for Old-Timers only :-)
Andre Kesteloot
- Canadians Find Vast Computer Spy Network.
andre kesteloot
- Fwd: RE: Golden Packet (W4RI)
prinaldo at cox.net
- a very interesting idea...
Michael O'Dell
- Linux & GPS - on a small module
Michael O'Dell
- Call for articles
prinaldo at cox.net
andre kesteloot
- clean tubes
John Teller
- clean tubes
andre kesteloot
- WTB Transistor array
Michael Chisena
- clean tubes
Philip Miller Tate
- WTB Transistor array
Robert E. Seastrom
- clean tubes
Philip Miller Tate
- No subject
- WTB Transistor array
Bob Bruhns
- Fwd: Re: Thursday's meeting
Richard Barth
- australian govt puts bpl where it belongs
Robert E. Seastrom
- Femtocell
Alex Fraser
- Femtocell
- Femtocell
Michael O'Dell
- Femtocell
Michael O'Dell
- Femtocell
Robert E. Seastrom
- Femtocell
Tad G
- I have become a multitrillionare!
Frank Gentges
- I have become a multitrillionare!
Joseph Bento
- I have become a multitrillionare!
Philip Miller Tate
- Andrea Hartlage to speak at Vienna Wireless on 24 April 09
Bill Liles
- AMRAD at Dayton Hamvention
Frank Gentges
- for all you tinyurl users...
Robert E. Seastrom
- Not good news for electronic gizmos...
andre kesteloot
- New hacking-proof processor
andre kesteloot
- New hacking-proof processor
Robert Stratton
- Not good news for electronic gizmos...
John Teller
- Commodore 64 Laptop
Joseph Bento
andre kesteloot
Iain McFadyen
- Fw: Amazing technology from Japan
Joseph Bento
- for all you tinyurl users...
Michael O'Dell
Philip Miller Tate
- EFRATOM LPRO-101 Rubidium 10MHZ Frequency Standard
Frank Gentges
- EFRATOM LPRO-101 Rubidium 10MHZ Frequency Standard
Robert E. Seastrom
- EFRATOM LPRO-101 Rubidium 10MHZ Frequency Standard
Joseph Bento
- EFRATOM LPRO-101 Rubidium 10MHZ Frequency Standard
Robert E. Seastrom
- Gotta love this.
Terry Fox
- Gotta love this.
andre kesteloot
- Wanna drag?
Richard Barth
- Wanna drag?
Michael O'Dell
- No subject
- Wanna drag?
Philip Miller Tate
- ARRL Hints and Kinks
andre kesteloot
- Wanna drag?
Mike O'Dell
- Wanna drag?
Philip Miller Tate
- Change date of June meeting
prinaldo at cox.net
- a very interesting idea...
Robert Stratton
- a very interesting idea...
Robert E. Seastrom
- French guy doing Ubuntu-based ham radio software roll-up distro
Robert E. Seastrom
- French guy doing Ubuntu-based ham radio software roll-up distro
Michael O'Dell
- French guy doing Ubuntu-based ham radio software roll-up distro
Michael O'Dell
- French guy doing Ubuntu-based ham radio software roll-up distro
Robert E. Seastrom
- google is observing Samuel F.B. Morse's birthday today.
Robert E. Seastrom
- tasty circuitry
Robert E. Seastrom
- iPhone controller]
andre kesteloot
- Need a spec sheet Varian VA-92K Tube
Michael Chisena
- Need a spec sheet Varian VA-92K Tube
- anyone have one of these in the basement ?
- anyone have one of these in the basement ?
Philip Miller Tate
- anyone have one of these in the basement ?
Tom Azlin, N4ZPT
- anyone have one of these in the basement ?
Bill Liles
- anyone have one of these in the basement ?
Samudra Haque
- anyone have one of these in the basement ?
Tom Azlin, N4ZPT
- anyone have one of these in the basement ?
Tom Azlin, N4ZPT
- Field Day 2009, June 27, 28 2009
Frank Gentges
- Littoral Combat Ship counter piracy mission
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Littoral Combat Ship counter piracy mission
Robert E. Seastrom
- Littoral Combat Ship counter piracy mission
Mike O'Dell
- radios on ebay
Alex Fraser
- Bill Ashley passed away
Terry Fox
- AMRAD at Hamvention 2009
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Quantum Physics Findings Are Put to Work in Encryption and Philosophy - WSJ.com
Richard Barth
- AMRAD at Hamvention 2009
Bob Bruninga
- AMRAD at Hamvention 2009
Robert E. Seastrom
- Meetings
prinaldo at cox.net
- AMRAD at Hamvention 2009
Philip Miller Tate
- AMRAD at Hamvention 2009
Bob Bruninga
- AMRAD at Hamvention 2009
Philip Miller Tate
- AMRAD at Hamvention 2009
- AMRAD at Hamvention 2009
Joseph Bento
- AMRAD at Hamvention 2009
Bob Bruninga
- Improved Ordering for SoftRock Kits
Frank Gentges
- Improved Ordering for SoftRock Kits
Frank Gentges
- Note the articles about eLoran and GPS...
Michael O'Dell
- I've gone HD on youtube
Alex Fraser
- I've gone HD on youtube
Alex Fraser
- I've gone HD on youtube
andre kesteloot
- Dr. John Schwacke RF 12-bit A/D board update
Terry Fox
- Solar cycle
andre kesteloot
- Before you sell your old computer on e-bay ...
andre kesteloot
- Boiling your way to Ice
Mike O'Dell
- Digital TV?
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- Fwd: FAASafety.gov - SARSAT(Search And Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking) 406 ELT Seminar
Robert Stratton
- Fwd: [VWS] Magnetic Movie
Richard Barth
- Digital TV?
- Digital TV?
Philip Miller Tate
- Cheap antenna rotator, possible ham use
Tad G
- Digital TV?
Michael O'Dell
- Cheap antenna rotator, possible ham use
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- Cheap antenna rotator, possible ham use
Michael O'Dell
- Cheap antenna rotator, possible ham use
Bob Bruhns
- Cheap antenna rotator, possible ham use
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- Renewal Fee
bhayw33802 at aol.com
- No subject
- Jazz camera software
Alex Fraser
- Ham Radio at Makers Faire
andre kesteloot
- A Nevel Use for Facebook
andre kesteloot
- A Nevel Use for Facebook
Mike O'Dell
- A Nevel Use for Facebook
andre kesteloot
- 2 Terabytes MYBOOK HD in the '90s ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Moving pictures
Alex Fraser
- 2 Terabytes MYBOOK HD in the '90s ?
Bob Bruhns
- 2 Terabytes MYBOOK HD in the '90s ?
Bob Bruhns
- 2 Terabytes MYBOOK HD in the '90s ?
lstoskopf at cox.net
- 2 Terabytes MYBOOK HD in the '90s ?
Philip Miller Tate
- Printable Paper
Richard Barth
andre kesteloot
- 2 Terabytes MYBOOK HD in the '90s ?
Alex Fraser
- 2 Terabytes MYBOOK HD in the '90s ?
Bob Bruhns
- Used Astron 50A P/S for sale
Michael Chisena
- 2 Terabytes MYBOOK HD in the '90s ?
Philip Miller Tate
- FD kinks
Alex Fraser
- Printable Paper
Michael O'Dell
- Ham Radio at Maker Faire videos
prinaldo at cox.net
- South Carolina SDR board web site
- FD kinks
Alex Fraser
- Mathematics and formatting
andre kesteloot
- Mathematics and formatting
A. Maitland Bottoms
- Mathematics and formatting]
andre kesteloot
- Carbonyl Iron Powder
Frank Gentges
- Mathematics and formatting]
Philip Miller Tate
- Mathematics and formatting]
jason at thought.net
- Call for articles
prinaldo at cox.net
- Looks like an article from Tacos
Frank Gentges
- PBS TV CH 22 and 32.. GONE.. ideas?
Glenn Baumgartner
- PBS TV CH 22 and 32.. GONE.. ideas?
Robert Stratton
- AMRAD meeting Thursday evening
prinaldo at cox.net
- PBS ideas?
Bob Rice, KG4RRN
- PBS TV CH 22 and 32.. GONE.. ideas?
- PBS TV CH 22 and 32.. GONE.. ideas?
Tom Azlin, N4ZPT
- PBS TV CH 22 and 32.. GONE.. ideas?
Alex Fraser
- PBS TV CH 22 and 32.. GONE.. ideas?
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Tropo-scatter site on Card Sound Road....
Mike O'Dell
- Tropo-scatter site on Card Sound Road....
Richard Barth
- PBS TV CH 22 and 32.. GONE.. ideas?
Glenn Baumgartner
- Tropo-scatter site on Card Sound Road....
Michael O'Dell
- Tropo-scatter site on Card Sound Road....
Tom Azlin, N4ZPT
- AMRAD tonight at Dolley Madison library
lemaster at verizon.net
- LORAN C, Not so fast
fgentges at mindspring.com
- TechShop
andre kesteloot
- TechShop
Joseph Bento
- TechShop
andre kesteloot
- TechShop
Robert E. Seastrom
- TechShop
Joseph Bento
- More on Networking
andre kesteloot
- Layar application
andre kesteloot
- Layar application
Frank Gentges
- Connector PInouts
Frank Gentges
- Connector PInouts
Philip Miller Tate
- Connector PInouts
Frank Gentges
- Connector PInouts
Joseph Bento
- Improved Modeling of Sunspot Activity
Frank Gentges
- Charleston: FPGAs vs. ASICs in SDRs
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Charleston: FPGAs vs. ASICs in SDRs with link to article
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Connector PInouts
Mike O'Dell
- The Swedes have gone and done something wonderful and I want one.
Robert E. Seastrom
- The Swedes have gone and done something wonderful and I want one.
Robert E. Seastrom
- Improved Modeling of Sunspot Activity
Alex Fraser
- Improved Modeling of Sunspot Activity
bob at stratton.net
- The Swedes have gone and done something wonderful and I want one.
lstoskopf at cox.net
- Improved Modeling of Sunspot Activity
Philip Miller Tate
- The Swedes have gone and done something wonderful and I want one.
Michael O'Dell
- Q-signals - all of them?
Michael O'Dell
- Q-signals - all of them?
John Teller
- EME article in the New York Times
Robert Stratton
- Radio Data Service
Mark Bulla
- Famous Engineers
fgentges at mindspring.com
- The Swedes have gone and done something wonderful and I want one.
Tom Azlin, N4ZPT
- LF
Philip D'Ambrosio
- Saturday
andre kesteloot
- Great Optical Illusion
Andre Kesteloot
- aprs on the internet
Mike O'Dell
- aprs on the internet
Tad G
- Meeting reminder
prinaldo at cox.net
- IEEE: Germany's green-energy gap
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: A radical new router ?
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: A radical new router ?
Robert E. Seastrom
- IEEE: A radical new router ?
Robert Stratton
- IEEE: A radical new router ?
Mike O'Dell
- IEEE: A radical new router ?
Mike O'Dell
- Charleston SDR PCB Buy
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Neat wiring is everything
andre kesteloot
- Fwd: CQ Serenade
Richard Barth
- Fwd: CQ Serenade
Richard Barth
- Old computers sill in use
- Old computers sill in use
Frank Gentges
- Old computers sill in use
- Old computers sill in use
- Old computers sill in use
Philip Miller Tate
- Old computers sill in use
Robert E. Seastrom
- Old Computers - Still on Standby Duty
Richard O'Neill
- Neat wiring is everything
John Teller
- Neat wiring is everything
Samudra Haque
- andre kesteloot has sent you a message from Computerworld Blogs
andre.kesteloot at ieee.org
- Old Computers - Still on Standby Duty
philmt59 at aol.co.uk
- Ford Taurus Radar
Alex Fraser
- Ford Taurus Radar
Tad G
- The Smart grid
andre kesteloot
- The Punk Atari Console
andre kesteloot
- Bill Gates offers the world a physics lesson
Richard Barth
- Bill Gates offers the world a physics lesson
andre kesteloot
- Security Level at Tysons Corner Shopping Center
Andre Kesteloot
- Bill Gates offers the world a physics lesson
John Teller
- Bill Gates offers the world a physics lesson
Tad G
- Bill Gates offers the world a physics lesson
John Teller
- The Punk Atari Console
philmt59 at aol.co.uk
- Bill Gates offers the world a physics lesson
Michael O'Dell
- The Smart grid
bob at stratton.net
- Is Twitter about to be replaced by Clique?
Bill Liles
- morse device
Bill Liles
- morse device
- Programming help with Charleston SDR project
Terry Fox
- EDN Newsletter on FPGAs
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Fwd: Shelby Hamfest Information
prinaldo at cox.net
- Working on a useful APRS project
Michael Chisena
- FCC Requests comments on BPL issues (7/20/2009)
Patrick Gray
- Blank PC Boards for Charleston Received
fgentges at mindspring.com
- FCC Requests comments on BPL issues (7/20/2009)
Michael O'Dell
- Interesting Radios
Tad G
- Interesting Radios
jason at thought.net
- TheKnack.mpg - The Knack - BADONGO
Richard Barth
- Blank PC Boards for Charleston Receiver
Frank Gentges
- Blank PC Boards for Charleston Receiver
Tom Azlin, N4ZPT
- AMRAD web site
fgentges at mindspring.com
- AMRAD web site
- [Fwd: AMRAD web site]
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Fwd: White House request for assistance
prinaldo at cox.net
- YouTube - Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs [2 of 3]
Richard Barth
- Fwd: White House request for assistance
Robert E. Seastrom
- Fwd: White House request for assistance
prinaldo at cox.net
- New Dulles Repeater
fgentges at mindspring.com
- YouTube - Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs [2 of 3]
Alberto di Bene
- YouTube - Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs [2 of 3]
Alex Fraser
- YouTube - Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs [2 of 3]
Alberto di Bene
- YouTube - Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs [2 of 3]
Alberto di Bene
- YouTube - Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs [2 of 3]
Philip Miller Tate
- Working on a useful APRS project
Robert Bruninga
- New Dulles Repeater
Robert Bruninga
fgentges at mindspring.com
- YouTube - Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs [2 of 3]
Alberto di Bene
- YouTube - Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs [2 of 3]
Alberto di Bene
- YouTube - Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs [2 of 3]
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- FPGA progress of sorts
Terry Fox
- FPGA progress of sorts
Frank Gentges
- Added code to AMRAD web site
Terry Fox
- YouTube - Large Hadron Collider - The Search For The Higgs [2 of 3]
Alberto di Bene
- [QST de K4LRG] WAGE Radio
fgentges at mindspring.com
- [QST de K4LRG] WAGE Radio
Philip Miller Tate
- Software Solution to Hearing Loss
Frank Gentges
- [QST de K4LRG] WAGE Radio
AI2C - Norm Styer
- Charleston Receiver Group Buy on NEXSYS2 Board
Frank Gentges Metavox LLC
- Charleston First Board Buy
Frank Gentges Metavox LLC
- 6M APRS trials this weekend
Michael Chisena
- 6M APRS trials setup this weekend
Scott Gillis (N3UJJ)
- 6M APRS trials setup starts this weekend
Scott Gillis (N3UJJ)
- New DARG Repeater now in operation
fgentges at mindspring.com
- New DARG Repeater now in operation
Robert Bruninga
- New DARG Repeater now in operation
Howard Cunningham
- New DARG Repeater now in operation
fgentges at mindspring.com
- RFID security article
prinaldo at cox.net
- RFID security article
Robert E. Seastrom
- Repeater at CIT building
Bob Rice, KG4RRN
- Repeater at CIT building
Craig Brown
- 24 volt ps
Alex Fraser
- FM Pirate at 87.7
Frank Gentges
- FM Pirate at 87.7
- FM Pirate at 87.7
- Call for articles
prinaldo at cox.net
- IEEE: Microsoft's new browser
andre kesteloot
- SDR introduced to test and measure EMC/EMI
Frank Gentges
- No subject
- active antenna question??
Dave Sampson
A. Maitland Bottoms
Patrick Gray
- FM Spanish Pirate at 87.7
Bob Rice, KG4RRN
- Printable Maps
Richard Barth
- Printable Maps
andre kesteloot
- FM Spanish Pirate at 87.7
- FM Spanish Pirate at 87.7
Brian Cochran
- cnc project
Alex Fraser
- Anybody got a metal detector?
Richard Barth
- From the IEEE
andre kesteloot
- A project for kids (of all ages)
andre kesteloot
- From the IEEE: flexible Inorganic LED displays
andre kesteloot
- Charleston Receiver Building Party (Long)
Frank Gentges
- Manufacturer of Texas Bug Catcher Antenna to Cease Operations
andre kesteloot
- Need a couple of dead PC Power supplys
Michael Chisena
- One Charleston Board alive and well!
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Now WINRadHD
fgentges at mindspring.com
- loading the Digilent Nexys2 board
A. Maitland Bottoms
- Charleston SDR Software
Terry Fox
- Finishing Charleston Build with Voltage Regs
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Finishing Charleston Build with Voltage Regs
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Finishing Charleston Build with Voltage Regs
- [VWS] Magnetic Movie
Philip Miller Tate
- IEEE-AMTA Monday Sept 14 Baltimore Colloquium and Exhibition
andre kesteloot
- Safer Browsers
andre kesteloot
- Safer Browsers
Alex Fraser
- Charleston Group Build
Frank Gentges
- Fw: FCC hosts Cyber Security and Broadband Workshop on September 30, 2009
Bob Rice, KG4RRN
- An electrical circuit that runs entirely off power in trees
andre kesteloot
- An electrical circuit that runs entirely off power in trees
prinaldo at cox.net
- An electrical circuit that runs entirely off power in trees
Robert E. Seastrom
- An electrical circuit that runs entirely off power in trees
Philip Miller Tate
- Finishing Charleston Build with Voltage Regs
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- An electrical circuit that runs entirely off power in trees
Iain McFadyen
- Charleston SDR #7 Alive!!
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Charleston SDR #7 Alive!!
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- An electrical circuit that runs entirely off power in trees
Richard O'Neill
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Frank Gentges
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Richard O'Neill
- Dilbert
Brian Hawes
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Philip Miller Tate
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Joseph Bento
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Mike O'Dell
- Dilbert
Joseph Bento
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Joseph Bento
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Mike O'Dell
- Dilbert
Robert E. Seastrom
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Philip Miller Tate
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Joseph Bento
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Philip Miller Tate
- want to help with a project
Michael Chisena
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Alberto di Bene
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Joseph Bento
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Alberto di Bene
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Philip Miller Tate
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
John Teller
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Joseph Bento
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Alberto di Bene
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Joseph Bento
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Brian Hawes
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Joseph Bento
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Alberto di Bene
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Joseph Bento
- Call for newsletter articles
Paul L Rinaldo
- Iranian AWACS Loss
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Iranian AWACS Loss
- Iranian AWACS Loss
Mike O'Dell
- Portable Processor Display and much much more
Frank Gentges
- RegionalEmergency Exercise tomorrow
Bob Rice, KG4RRN
- Portable Processor Display and much much more
Albertson Chris
- Portable Processor Display and much much more
- Portable Processor Display and much much more
Albertson Chris
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Richard O'neill
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Brian Hawes
- Portable Processor Display and much much more
- How about PSP for SDR UI
Terry Fox
- Charleston SDR software
Terry Fox
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Philip Miller Tate
- Another SDR UI option
Douglas Gentges
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Joseph Bento
- Another SDR UI option
Mike O'Dell
- Elderberry Prevents Swine Flu or Does It?
Mike O'Dell
- Another SDR UI option
A. Maitland Bottoms
- ohm's law...
Robert E. Seastrom
- ohm's law...
Philip Miller Tate
- Backing up on "The Cloud" ?
andre kesteloot
- Backing up on "The Cloud" ?
Alex Fraser
- Backing up on "The Cloud" ?
Robert E. Seastrom
- HacDC FPGA Workshop
A. Maitland Bottoms
- HacDC FPGA Workshop
Frank Gentges
Paul L Rinaldo
- AMRAD HacDC FPGA Workshop
fgentges at mindspring.com
- AMRAD HacDC FPGA Workshops (long)
Frank Gentges
John Teller
andre kesteloot
- HacDC FPGA Workshop, Startup Information
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Low Frequency Transmitter, New in Crate
fgentges at mindspring.com
- PSI, Inc. Power conditiong and protection
Richard Barth
- Low Frequency Transmitter, New in Crate
Joseph Bento
- Low Frequency Transmitter, New in Crate
Philip Miller Tate
- Low Frequency Transmitter, New in Crate
Frank Gentges
- Low Frequency Transmitter, New in Crate
Joseph Bento
- Low Frequency Transmitter, New in Crate
Brian Hawes
- Low Frequency Transmitter, New in Crate
Joseph Bento
- ricochet modems
Alex Fraser
- Low Frequency Transmitter, New in Crate
Philip Miller Tate
- Low Frequency Transmitter, New in Crate
Philip Miller Tate
- ricochet modems
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Low Frequency Transmitter, New in Crate
Joseph Bento
- Low Frequency Transmitter, New in Crate
Philip Miller Tate
- ricochet modems
Tad G
- FPGA Verilog Workshop
fgentges at mindspring.com
- FPGA Verilog Workshop 14 Oct
Frank Gentges
- A good idea
andre kesteloot
- Fwd: Invitation to an Amateur Radio software webinar
prinaldo at cox.net
- Fwd: Invitation to an Amateur Radio software webinar
w3qx at qsl.net
- Fwd: Invitation to an Amateur Radio software webinar
prinaldo at cox.net
- Hamvention 2010
Frank Gentges
- Hamvention 2010
Joseph Bento
- Grimeton alternator
Brian Hawes
- Crepitation Contest
Frank Gentges
- Grimeton alternator
Brian Hawes
- Grimeton alternator
Alberto di Bene
- Grimeton alternator
Frank Gentges
- Crepitation Contest
John Teller
- Crepitation Contest
Philip Miller Tate
- AMRAD Monthly Meetings
Andre Kesteloot
- Crepitation Contest
Frank Gentges
- Nice visual demonstration
Andre Kesteloot
- Crepitation Contest
Alex Fraser
- Crepitation Contest
Philip Miller Tate
- Crepitation Contest
Frank Gentges
- Crepitation Contest
Joseph Bento
- Next breakthrough in Microwaves?
George Lemaster
- Crepitation Contest
Richard O'Neill
- Crepitation Contest
Joseph Bento
- AMRAD HacDC FPGA Design Lectures
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD HacDC FPGA Design Lectures
Dave - WB6DHW
- AMRAD HacDC FPGA Design Lectures
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD HacDC FPGA Design Lectures
Robert E. Seastrom
- IEEE: Funeral Webcasting
andre kesteloot
- AMRAD HacDC FPGA Design Lectures Week 2
Frank Gentges
- Nigerian Scammer Web Sites Shut Down
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Nigerian Scammer Web Sites Shut Down
Joseph Bento
- Nigerian Scammer Web Sites Shut Down
Mike O'Dell
- Nigerian Scammer Web Sites Shut Down
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Nigerian Scammer Web Sites Shut Down
Philip Miller Tate
- Nigerian Scammer Web Sites Shut Down
Joseph Bento
- HacDC
andre kesteloot
- AMRAD HacDC FPGA Design Lectures Week 2
William Gibb
- AMRAD HacDC FPGA Design Lectures Week 2
Frank Gentges
- Call for Nominations
Paul L Rinaldo
- Call for Nominations (correction)
prinaldo at cox.net
- Radio waave that see through walls.
andre kesteloot
- Mobile Phone software to help with remote logging of reasearch data
andre kesteloot
- Arduino
Alex Fraser
- Radio waave that see through walls.
Alex Fraser
- Arduino
Robert E. Seastrom
- Arduino
Mike O'Dell
- Radio waave that see through walls.
Mike O'Dell
- Need help testing a project
Michael Chisena
- Arduino
Alberto di Bene
- AMRAD Monthly Meetings Wednsday good
w3hxf at cox.net
- Need help testing a project
Robert Bruninga
- Need help testing a project
Michael Chisena
- Radio waave that see through walls.
andre kesteloot
- Arduino
Robert E. Seastrom
- automated toroid winding
Mike O'Dell
- Arduino -- burning the bootloader
David Billsbrough
- Arduino -- burning the bootloader
Robert E. Seastrom
- Arduino -- burning the bootloader
David Billsbrough
- Arduino -- burning the bootloader
David Billsbrough
- Arduino -- burning the bootloader
Robert E. Seastrom
- curious and curiouser...
Mike O'Dell
- curious and curiouser...
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- curious and curiouser...
Mike O'Dell
- IEEE: Focusing Sound waves
andre kesteloot
- The Boston Pedman
andre kesteloot
- curious and curiouser...
Brian Hawes
- curious and curiouser...
- Hamvention 2010
Joseph Bento
- curious and curiouser...
andre kesteloot
- An N Scale Layout in Z Scale
andre kesteloot
- an interesting diversion.... notice all the work on imus
Mike O'Dell
- another completely gonzo board
Mike O'Dell
- has the list been extraordinarily quiet of late...
Mike O'Dell
- A look back at Apollo
Tad G
- hp 7475a
Alex Fraser
- blowing up electrolytic caps
Robert E. Seastrom
- blowing up electrolytic caps
Joseph Bento
- hp 7475a
Frank Gentges
- History of Radio
andre kesteloot
- Robots for real
andre kesteloot
- Robots for SWAT teams
andre kesteloot
- French Baguette stops Hadron Collider
andre kesteloot
- red balloons
Alex Fraser
- Lack of Power Looks Eerie
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Quite a shack :-)
andre kesteloot
- Quite a shack
Brian Hawes
- Quite a shack
Philip Miller Tate
- Lack of Power Looks Eerie
Joseph Bento
- Quite a shack :-)
Joseph Bento
- Quite a shack :-)
Mike O'Dell
- Rebuilding an IBM 1401
andre kesteloot
- Lack of Power Looks Eerie
A. Maitland Bottoms
- Goodies :-)
Andre Kesteloot
- RFI from LED "lightbulbs?"
Robert Stratton
- is anyone using a SteppIR antenna???
Mike O'Dell
- More Powers of Ten
Richard O'Neill
- RFI from LED "lightbulbs?"
lstoskopf at cox.net
- IRLP on the AMRAD Repeater
Frank Gentges
- IRLP on the AMRAD Repeater
andre kesteloot
- Home sweet home...
Andre Kesteloot
- Home sweet home...
Philip Miller Tate
- dues
Alex Fraser
- dues
prinaldo at cox.net
- dues
prinaldo at cox.net
- Dr Seuss and Computers
Andre Kesteloot
- Dr Seuss and Computers
Andre Kesteloot
- Engine leaves.
Alex Fraser
- Radio Shack(s)
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Largest brain simulator ever
andre kesteloot
- Radio Shack(s)
Frank Gentges
- Wireless World 1915
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Status of Manassas BPL
prinaldo at cox.net
- Wireless World 1915
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- Status of Manassas BPL
Philip Miller Tate
- Wireless World 1915
Karl W4KRL
- IEEE: Largest brain simulator ever
Alex Fraser
- Status of Manassas BPL
Joseph Bento
- Status of Manassas BPL
Richard Barth
- Reflow Soldering on the Cheap - Gadget Freak | Blog on Design News
Richard Barth
- Wireless World 1915
Frank Gentges
- IEEE: Largest brain simulator ever
John Teller
- Stuff for sale
Alex Fraser
- Status of Manassas BPL
andre kesteloot
- Status of Manassas BPL
Mike O'Dell
- Jan-Feb 2010 Newsletter call for article
Paul L Rinaldo
- looks like a party worth crashing (assuming you aren't invited already - grin)
Mike O'Dell
- [Fwd: The Irish]
Richard Barth
- [Fwd: The Irish]
Philip Miller Tate
- Charleston Receiver Group Build #2
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Hathi Trust Library Search
Frank Gentges
- Germanium
Tad G
- Germanium
Mike O'Dell
- Germanium
Richard O'Neill
- Germanium
Philip Miller Tate
- Another possible UI for Charleston
John Teller
- Another possible UI for Charleston
Alex Fraser
- Another possible UI for Charleston
John Teller
- Another possible UI for Charleston
Robert E. Seastrom
- Another possible UI for Charleston
John Teller
- Another possible UI for Charleston
Robert E. Seastrom
- Another possible UI for Charleston
jason at thought.net
- Another possible UI for Charleston
Robert E. Seastrom
- Portable Processor Display and much much more
jason at thought.net
- Portable Processor Display and much much more
Sean Sheedy
- Portable Processor Display and much much more
Robert Stratton
- IEEE National Capital Area Events in December
andre kesteloot
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
andre kesteloot
- IEEE Vehicular Technology Society
Philip Miller Tate
Richard Barth
- Visitor to Tacos
Frank Gentges Metavox LLC
- Reaching repeater from tacos
Frank Gentges
- FW: Extra transmission with SAQ Dec 10 2009
Brian Hawes
- ARRL briefs BPL to FCC
fgentges at mindspring.com
- IRLP Link at tacos tomorrow
Frank Gentges
- #14 solid bare copper wire needed]
Frank Gentges
- IRLP Link at tacos tomorrow
Joseph Bento
- AMRAD Holiday Party Invitation
Paul L Rinaldo
- IRLG Inaguaral QSO Success
Frank Gentges
- Fwd: IRLG Inaguaral QSO Success
prinaldo at cox.net
- Shape Shifters: Researchers Create New Breed Of Antennas
andre kesteloot
- BoD election
Paul L Rinaldo
- CB linear
Alex Fraser
- Need help on a project and possible article
Michael Chisena
- that was interesting
- that was interesting
Philip Miller Tate
- Charleston Receiver Group Build #2
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- From the IEEE: Large IT projects failing ?
andre kesteloot
- Linux Journal Devotes January 2010 Issue to Amateur Radio
andre kesteloot
- Very Slow Scan Television on bubble-warp
andre kesteloot
- Verilog Workshop December 16, 2009
Frank Gentges
- IEEE: The Copenhagen Conference
andre kesteloot
- ARRL: Ham bill goes to the House
andre kesteloot
- 147.300 skywarn machine
Mike O'Dell
- 147.300 skywarn machine
Iain McFadyen
- 147.300 skywarn machine
Robert E. Seastrom
- 147.300 skywarn machine
Mike O'Dell
- Virtual Tacos in a snow storm
Frank Gentges
- Snow Emergency Tacos
Robert E. Seastrom
- Snow Emergency Tacos
andre kesteloot
- Virtual Tacos in a snow storm
andre kesteloot
- Virtual Tacos in a snow storm
John Teller
- Virtual Tacos in a snow storm
Mike O'Dell
- Virtual Tacos in a snow storm
Brian Hawes
- Virtual Tacos in a snow storm
Robert E. Seastrom
- Virtual Tacos in a snow storm
Mike O'Dell
- Virtual Tacos in a snow storm
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- a pretty good definition of "wideband"
Mike O'Dell
- For older Hams
andre kesteloot
- For older Hams
Richard Barth
- a pretty good definition of "wideband"
Brian Hawes
- a pretty good definition of "wideband"
Mike O'Dell
- a pretty good definition of "wideband"
Brian Hawes
- Season's Greetings
Philip Miller Tate
- a pretty good definition of "wideband"
Mike O'Dell
- Season's Greetings
Mike O'Dell
- a pretty good definition of "wideband"
Brian Hawes
- a pretty good definition of "wideband"
Alberto di Bene
Last message date:
Tue Dec 22 18:31:00 CST 2009
Archived on: Tue Dec 22 19:02:34 CST 2009
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).