AMRAD discussion and challenge: FIRST CHALLENGE

A. Maitland Bottoms aa4hs at
Tue May 7 18:27:42 CDT 2013

>>>>> "WB4JFI" ==   <wb4jfi at> writes:
WB4JFI> Dave Borden, K8MMO, and I 
WB4JFI> have recently been recalling our collective times together working on AMRAD 
WB4JFI> projects.  I miss those times of having a group within AMRAD that worked 
WB4JFI> together on significant projects.

Indeed, I remain indebted to the hospitality of the Borden's, and for his
leadership by example of "look at these things we can do - and you can do them too!"
thinking. And that it helps to have a "Digital Basement".

WB4JFI> I have heard rumors of people working on more Arduino stuff, people playing 
WB4JFI> with FPGAs, people playing with cheap SDRs (DVB-T tuners).  I see almost 
WB4JFI> nothing about them on tacos.  So, my FIRST CHALLENGE (and positive spin 
WB4JFI> here) is:  Let's start at least letting others know what you are working on 
WB4JFI> here on the tacos reflector.

Hey! - I resemble that remark!

So, at last year's Dayton picnic I had both a DVB-T and Funcube Dongle
receiving with Debian packages of GNU Radio. And I'm typing this on
a machine that is also running OZ9AEC's gqrx-sdr 2.1 application using
an RTL2838 DVB-T tuner. It's been fun to follow along as others have
made great improvements in the related software.

I can't say I've done much with FPGA development or the Charleston
project  - except that I have been updating Linux distribution
packages of James Ahlstrom's quisk application, and each time I do
that I test it with my Charleston board to make sure it still works.

And I've also been following along with FreeDV. It was nice to
demonstrate it along with N4TS and K0BRA at Winterfest. With the
recent goal of Linux packages for FreeDV in time for Dayton, well,
remember you saw them here first:

I should have written more about these things on Tacos.

As for what I'm working on now...

I hope to have an interactive demonstration of Codec2
running based upon GNU Radio. And with any luck I will
be able to contribute some improvements to GNU Radio.

And I hope to write up some notes of FreeDV at Dayton
to appear in the AMRAD Newsletter.


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