Ford Model T - 100 Years Later - Safeshare.TV

Richard O'Neill richardoneill at
Mon Jun 1 10:39:18 CDT 2015

On 6/1/2015 9:31 AM, Rob Seastrom wrote:
> By what standard?

  Indeed. Comparing two currently produced vehicles is hardly the same 
as comparing vehicles produced a century apart. Situations can easily be 
envisioned where a fully functional Model T might outperform a modern 
Taurus, particularly over difficult off road terrain. Most modern 
passenger cars are highly dependent on good roads and high octane 
gasoline. During WWII gas shortages the model T could be (and sometimes 
was) rigged to run on a wide variety of combustible hydrocarbon fuels. 
Try that with a modern fuel injected, computer controlled car and see 
how far you get.

  As our collective understanding of physical science increases we see 
technological improvements continuing to expand in every field of human 
endeavor. However, despite such technological improvements we often 
still employ ancient technologies that have proven themselves useful, 
especially in situations where the limitations of more complicated and 
sophisticated systems can be a disadvantage. There's still a place for 
bicycles, horse drawn wagons and riders which some police agencies 
utilize for part of their daily operation.


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