The reason for starting the END-FED antenna thread -

Tom Azlin W7SUA tom at
Mon Oct 6 13:03:57 CDT 2014

Hi Dick,

Yes, I build an end fed 80m dipole where I ran a wire from basement 
shack window up through tree limbs at 20 ft then back down. So an 
inverted V shape. I had an old coast guard antenna coupler that was 
built for end fed antennas. In case of ships were inverted L or vertical 
antennas. Worked fine. Higher power than 25-50 watts had to move tuner 
away from shack as was getting RF in shack. But with power levels I used 
for PSK31 and other digital modes was perfect. Given 80m was better NVIS 
antenna than DX antenna. Also used same tuner for 40 and 20 when doing 
portable operations where most of the antenna was sloping up to tree 
top. Have had that coupler for over 20 years now.

I did use some quarter wave wires hooked to the coupler ground post 
which helped with RF in the shack. Did not seem to affect propagation 
that I could tell.

73, tom w7sua
Chino Valley AZ

On 10/6/2014 8:38 AM, R Cramer wrote:
> I was really trying to find if anyone had built a basically horizontal
> antenna that would handle 100-200 W RF.  The high impedance end can make
> this challenging.  The PAR antennas were basically designed for power
> levels under 5 W.
> We can close the thread if noone had done this or has an interest. If
> anyone wants to continue the discussion of verticals maybe we should
> change the subject line.
> 73,
> Dick KY2E

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