2010 Archives by author
Starting: Sun Jan 3 05:59:54 CST 2010
Ending: Fri Dec 31 19:08:53 CST 2010
Messages: 1056
- No subject
- No subject
- No subject
- [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Per-Tore Aasestrand
- [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Per-Tore Aasestrand
- Pizza
Richard Barth
- Sound advice from ITU to keep TV volume in check
Richard Barth
- Akinator
Richard Barth
- Fwd: Radio Geezers
Richard Barth
- Haiku
Richard Barth
Richard Barth
- Computer clocks and Relativity
Richard Barth
- Why study?
Richard Barth
- A replacement for the 807?
Richard Barth
- A replacement for the 807?
Richard Barth
- Fwd: 24-hour audio broadcasts of police scanners in major cities around the United States.
Richard Barth
- 24-hour audio broadcasts of police scanners in major cities around the United States.
Richard Barth
- Fwd: Re: there oughta be a web site....
Richard Barth
- Tools - Circuit Sage
Richard Barth
- FCC releases RF spectrum online tool
Richard Barth
- Go to the Google.com home page...
Richard Barth
- More on the Smith Chart
Richard Barth
- Turbo Encapulator
Richard Barth
- GPS glitch
Richard Barth
- GPS glitch
Richard Barth
- Fwd: What's up, sunshine?
Richard Barth
- Clemson Vehicular Electronics Laboratory: Transmission Line Impedance Calculator
Richard Barth
- IEEE lightning protection guide
Richard Barth
- Camera batteries (Was: Green Bank)
Richard Barth
- Camera batteries (Was: Green Bank)
Richard Barth
- Loran C off the air
Richard Barth
- World Time Standard
Richard Barth
- Space Weather Canada - The History of the 10.7cm Solar Flux
Richard Barth
- Fwd: Press Release ITS Launches Its First Telecommunications Science Video Series for the Public
Richard Barth
- Fwd: Know a young person who needs health insurance?
Richard Barth
- Salt Lake City Remote S-Meter
Richard Barth
- RADIO FLYER CAR: Valley couple's Radio Flyer car turns heads - ktuu.com
Richard Barth
- Fwd: [ARROW-General-List] An amazing treasure trove of data, for free
Richard Barth
- Vanity licensing
Richard Barth
- Fwd: [VWS] Fwd: [QST de K4LRG] Check this out! VOACAP online
Richard Barth
- So you like to climb towers...
Richard Barth
- Broward Amateur Radio Club - The most informative Amateur Radio Site on the Internet!
Richard Barth
- Broward Amateur Radio Club - The most informative Amateur Radio Site on the Internet!
Richard Barth
- For Kodachrome Fans, Road Ends at Photo Lab in Kansas - NYTimes.com
Richard Barth
- AMRAD Mtg Thursday @ Fall Church Community Center
Alberto di Bene
- "And now for something completely different..."
Alberto di Bene
- Change your cell phone battery...
Alberto di Bene
- USB dsp for $2.23
Alberto di Bene
- USB dsp for $2.23
Alberto di Bene
- Akinator
Joseph Bento
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Joseph Bento
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Joseph Bento
- Beware of Internet surfing ?
Joseph Bento
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Joseph Bento
- Beware of Internet surfing ?
Joseph Bento
- My brain hurts
Joseph Bento
- uh, well, it *is* electronic....
Joseph Bento
- Latitude and Longitude in the US
Joseph Bento
- Haiku
Joseph Bento
- Touch-table
Joseph Bento
- More Free Energy - Again?
Joseph Bento
- More Free Energy - Again?
Joseph Bento
- Energizer Bunny writes a trojan horse.
Joseph Bento
- Marble Machine
Joseph Bento
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
Joseph Bento
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
Joseph Bento
- iPad, First Look
Joseph Bento
- iPad, First Look
Joseph Bento
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
Joseph Bento
- UK no-fly zone
Joseph Bento
- i think this counts as "excessive"
Joseph Bento
- The Significant Digit
Joseph Bento
- Pretty cool from Honda
Joseph Bento
- iPhone4 and manual antenna detuning....
Joseph Bento
- iPhone4 antenna issues
Joseph Bento
- Loran C off the air
Joseph Bento
- Loran C off the air
Joseph Bento
- Loran C off the air
Joseph Bento
- Loran C off the air
Joseph Bento
- Wimshurst Machine
Joseph Bento
- Wimshurst Machine
Joseph Bento
- Wimshurst Machine
Joseph Bento
- L.F.
Joseph Bento
- Hamvention 2011
Joseph Bento
- I am in the wrong business
Joseph Bento
- Real radio :-)
Joseph Bento
- Antenna install instructions
Joseph Bento
- Kodachrome
Joseph Bento
- Jansky Antenna
- Kraus and radio astronomy
- BMHA Dayton
A. Maitland Bottoms
- A BPL Interference Contest!
A. Maitland Bottoms
- IRLP from here in Charleston?
A. Maitland Bottoms
- I am in the wrong business
A. Maitland Bottoms
- Ethernet SDR Interfacing [and 7 more messages]
Maitland Bottoms
- Air America SK
Bob Bruhns
- "And now for something completely different..."
Bob Bruhns
- AM Modulation
Bob Bruhns
- A replacement for the 807?
Bob Bruhns
- Philips:a 60 watt LED bulb
Bob Bruhns
- Smart Grid Proof?
Bob Bruninga
- Smart Grid Proof?
Bob Bruninga
- Loran C off the air
Bob Bruninga
- solar cells
Robert Bruninga
- Philips:a 60 watt LED bulb
Robert Bruninga
- radar on Craig's list
Robert Bruninga
- low cost 10 meter rig
Robert Bruninga
- Ten technologies that should be extinct (but aren't)
Robert Bruninga
- IRLP from here in Charleston?
Robert Bruninga
- IRLP from here in Charleston? (AVRS)
Robert Bruninga
- Antenna install instructions
Mark Bulla
- have a need for Flash Bulbs
Michael Chisena
- N4TS please shoot me an e mail
Michael Chisena
- may I borrow a book MFJ TNC 2 or MFJ-1274
Michael Chisena
- item needed
Michael Chisena
- Want to beg or buy
Michael Chisena
- Need help testing a radio
Michael Chisena
- need to borrow an instrument for a while
Michael Chisena
- For the guy that wanted a 5Y3GT tube...and Zack
Michael Chisena
- want to buy some parts
Michael Chisena
- APRS article links
Michael Chisena
- Yaesu 857D
Michael Chisena
- Follow up to the Yeasu 857D repair.
Michael Chisena
- "Research question for the 12th, 15th and 17th..."
Chuck Watts, W4XP
- "And now for something completely different..."
Robert Cullen
- Turbo Encapulator
Howard Cunningham
- AMRAD web site down?
Paul Dluehosh
- Fwd: [VWS] Fwd: [QST de K4LRG] Check this out! VOACAP online
Paul Dluehosh
- Alright, who's been playing?
Joe Everhart
- Skype Connection for Terry's Presentation
William F. Fenn
- Skype Connection for Terry's Presentation
William F. Fenn
- Loran C off the air
Chip Fetrow
- Loran C off the air
Chip Fetrow
- Loran C off the air
Chip Fetrow
- Loran C off the air
Chip Fetrow
- Loran C off the air
Chip Fetrow
- Loran C off the air
Chip Fetrow
- Loran C off the air
Chip Fetrow
- Cosmic Noise: A History of Early Radio Astronomy
Chip Fetrow
- iDEN, WAS: Wimshurst Machine
Chip Fetrow
- Tacos Digest, Vol 92, Issue 10
Chip Fetrow
- AM Radio Station Musical Chairs
Chip Fetrow
- Equipment Looking for a Home
Chip Fetrow
- Tacos Digest, Vol 94, Issue 20
Chip Fetrow
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
Terry Fox
- Pretty cool from Honda
Terry Fox
- Congrats to SpaceX
Terry Fox
- SDR: there's an app for that
Terry Fox
- Quisk - a qualified SUCCESS!
Terry Fox
- Charleston & Quisk - an update
Terry Fox
- Quisk/Charleston SDR Update
Terry Fox
- Quisk saga continues
Terry Fox
- Quisk for Charleston Receiver now on AMRAD web site
Terry Fox
- Car racing: getting data from the car to the pit?
Terry Fox
- Latest on Quisk and Charleston board
Terry Fox
- Updated Charleston tarball on web sites
Terry Fox
- IRLP from here in Charleston?
Terry Fox
- IRLP from here in Charleston?
Terry Fox
- IRLP from here in Charleston?
Terry Fox
- IRLP, Charleston Quisk
Terry Fox
- Interesting musical group, and their Tesla instruments
Terry Fox
- Quisk for Windows?
Terry Fox
- Last meeting slides on AMRAD website
Terry Fox
- Alright, who's been playing?
Terry Fox
- solar cells
Alex Fraser
- solar cells
Alex Fraser
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
Alex Fraser
- busted gizmo
Alex Fraser
- busted gizmo
Alex Fraser
- IEEE: About Wind Turbines
Alex Fraser
- Google plans to build high-speed broadband service
Alex Fraser
- Fw: Hexacopter
Alex Fraser
- Fwd: Re: [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Alex Fraser
- field day
Alex Fraser
- Computer clocks and Relativity
Alex Fraser
- Chainsaw ad
Alex Fraser
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Alex Fraser
- flash on a droid?
Alex Fraser
- Signal Hound Spectrum Analyzer
Alex Fraser
- flash on a droid?
Alex Fraser
- Very interesting...
Alex Fraser
- Why study?
Alex Fraser
- Fw: Marble Machine
Alex Fraser
- battery quick charge
Alex Fraser
- Fwd: Amateur Spread Spectrum rule changes
Alex Fraser
- head-up displays for your car ?
Alex Fraser
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
Alex Fraser
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
Alex Fraser
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
Alex Fraser
- Toyotas and neutrons
Alex Fraser
- iPad, First Look
Alex Fraser
- the-complete-guide-to-saving-your-windows-system-with-a-thumb-drive
Alex Fraser
- not ham radio, but goof-worthy none the less
Alex Fraser
- Transistor
Alex Fraser
- UK no-fly zone
Alex Fraser
- BBC: How volcanic ash damages jet engines
Alex Fraser
- free oil?
Alex Fraser
- Copy Machine Security
Alex Fraser
- radar on Craig's list
Alex Fraser
- Vulnerability of wireless chips
Alex Fraser
- Financial Times: Rival tablets ready to bite into iPad lead at a fraction of price
Alex Fraser
- Well made ham video
Alex Fraser
- Loran C off the air
Alex Fraser
- Loran C off the air
Alex Fraser
- Speaking of regulators - a question.
Alex Fraser
- Strip ant software I think.
Alex Fraser
- Loran C off the air
Alex Fraser
- open source / sdr gsm
Alex Fraser
- 250kw generator
Alex Fraser
- IRLP from here in Charleston?
Alex Fraser
- Testing ....
Alex Fraser
- surplus stuff
Alex Fraser
- squishy circuts
Alex Fraser
- All about the EF50
Alex Fraser
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Tad G
- flash on a droid?
Tad G
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
Tad G
- there oughta be a web site....
Tad G
- How F1 does IT
Tad G
- Car racing: getting data from the car to the pit?
Tad G
- Make your own vacuum tube
Tad G
- surplus stuff
Tad G
- Making SMD boards - wither paste stencils?
Tad G
- Making SMD boards - wither paste stencils?
Tad G
- More Free Energy - Again?
Doug Gentges
- Toyotas and neutrons
Doug Gentges
- Amateur Radio High Altitude Ballooning
Doug Gentges
- aluminum ion clock
Doug Gentges
- Fwd: [EOSS] Nutter repairmen scale 1,768ft TV mast • The Register
Doug Gentges
- 24-hour audio broadcasts of police scanners in major cities around the United States.
Douglas Gentges
- SDR-14 vs SDR-IQ
Frank Gentges
- Air America SK
Frank Gentges
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
Frank Gentges
- Verilog Class
Frank Gentges
- K0BRA Trqnsmitter Goes to New Home
Frank Gentges
- British Electromagnetic Compatibility Industry Association Recommends Against BPL
Frank Gentges
- [Hamradio] Charleston Build #2
Frank Gentges
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
Frank Gentges
- Modular Nuclear Plants
Frank Gentges
- iPad, First Look
Frank Gentges
- IMPORTANT - AMRAD Meeting April 8
Frank Gentges
- Bad Email Addresses for Charleston Build 2
Frank Gentges
- "How to Wreck a Nice Beach"
Frank Gentges
- Recuperating wasted energy
Frank Gentges
- Smart Grid Proof?
Frank Gentges
- Dulles Repeater Down for Repair
Frank Gentges
- Dulles Repeater Down for Repair
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD Hamvention 2010
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD Hamvention 2010
Frank Gentges
- Copy Machine Security
Frank Gentges
- Copy Machine Security
Frank Gentges
- GPS glitch
Frank Gentges
- Dulles Repeater Fixed
Frank Gentges
- Dulles Repeater Fixed
Frank Gentges
- Quisk - a qualified SUCCESS! and kudos
Frank Gentges
- 6 Meter Beam
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD at Field Day
Frank Gentges
- Chinese Search Engine
Frank Gentges
- low cost 10 meter rig
Frank Gentges
- Time Announcer Machine
Frank Gentges
Frank Gentges
Frank Gentges
Frank Gentges
- Sunspots return to the sun
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD van on eBay
Frank Gentges
- $35 laptop
Frank Gentges
- Camera batteries (Was: Green Bank)
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD van on eBay
Frank Gentges
- Loran C off the air
Frank Gentges
- Fwd: GE SDR boards
Frank Gentges
- World Time Standard
Frank Gentges
- Charleston Build #2
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD at Mason-Dixon Hamfest Oct 24, 2010
Frank Gentges
- First BPL, Then the Grid, and now MY GRID
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD Van now in Colorado
Frank Gentges
- Eclipse Picture Processing
Frank Gentges
- Transpacific LF QSO
Frank Gentges
- Charleston Build #3
Frank Gentges
- Mason Dixon Hamfest and Charleston Build Session
Frank Gentges
- Group Build at the Mason Dixon Hamfest
Frank Gentges
- AM Radio Station Musical Chairs
Frank Gentges
- Hamvention 2011
Frank Gentges
- Making SMD boards - wither paste stencils?
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD Holiday Party, Dec 3rd
Frank Gentges
- AMRAD Holiday Party Dec. 3rd
Frank Gentges
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Patrick Gray
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Patrick Gray
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Patrick Gray
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Patrick Gray
- USB dsp for $2.23
Patrick Gray
- utility/educational electronic kits for sale cheap - source located (Kensington, MD)
Samudra Haque
- For the guy that wanted a 5Y3GT tube...and Zack
Matt Harris
- Sulzer Oscillator
Brian Hawes
- Sulzer Oscillator
Brian Hawes
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Brian Hawes
- More Free Energy - Again?
Brian Hawes
- More Free Energy - Again?
Brian Hawes
- More Free Energy - Again?
Brian Hawes
- Why study?
Brian Hawes
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
Brian Hawes
- Interesting Broadcast
Brian Hawes
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
Brian Hawes
- UK no-fly zone
Brian Hawes
- Mathematics
Brian Hawes
- Nuclear Submarines
Brian Hawes
- Time Announcer Machine
Brian Hawes
- Loran C off the air
Brian Hawes
- 250kw generator
Brian Hawes
- Schumann Resonance Receiver
Brian Hawes
- Jansky Antenna
Brian Hawes
- Kraus' Book
Brian Hawes
- Fun to Imagine
Brian Hawes
- L.F.
Brian Hawes
- Doom
Brian Hawes
- British Electromagnetic Compatibility Industry Association Recommends Against BPL
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- British Electromagnetic Compatibility Industry Association Recommends Against BPL
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- iPhone Apps: Roll your Own ?
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- iPad, First Look
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- MI Chapter?
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- low cost 10 meter rig
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- Easy Wireless ISM band design
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- Fun to Imagine
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- Fwd: [ARROW-General-List] An amazing treasure trove of data, for free
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- I am in the wrong business
Dan Romanchik KB6NU
- a Foxhole radio
Andre Kesteloot
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Andre Kesteloot
- Beware of Internet surfing ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Google plans to build high-speed broadband service
Andre Kesteloot
- A Pencil Radio Set
Andre Kesteloot
- Latitude and Longitude in the US
Andre Kesteloot
- More on Cramming your telephone bill
Andre Kesteloot
- Serious hacking
Andre Kesteloot
- [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Andre Kesteloot
- [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Andre Kesteloot
- iPhone Apps: Roll your Own ?
Andre Kesteloot
- PC Mag: who hates the national broadband plan ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Tips for your battery life
Andre Kesteloot
- FCC wants 120 MHz from the TV stations
Andre Kesteloot
- head-up displays for your car ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
Andre Kesteloot
- A National Broadband fee ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Veizon challenges FCC role in Broadband
Andre Kesteloot
- the-complete-guide-to-saving-your-windows-system-with-a-thumb-drive
Andre Kesteloot
- A new sound absorbing material
Andre Kesteloot
- Philips:a 60 watt LED bulb
Andre Kesteloot
- free backup software
Andre Kesteloot
- Password Advice from the Boston Globe
Andre Kesteloot
- BBC: How volcanic ash damages jet engines
Andre Kesteloot
- If you use Windows XP...
Andre Kesteloot
- 10 emerging technologies
Andre Kesteloot
- Beware of fake anti-virus software
Andre Kesteloot
- Liquid Metal batteries for Stationary applications ?
Andre Kesteloot
- here is Ubuntu 10.4 LTS (long term support)
Andre Kesteloot
- The Significant Digit
Andre Kesteloot
- New attack tactic sidesteps Windows security software
Andre Kesteloot
- More on the subject of Computer security
Andre Kesteloot
- Intesat has lost control of Galaxy 15 satellite
Andre Kesteloot
- A small corner of paradise...
Andre Kesteloot
- A 7-atom transistor ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Vulnerability of wireless chips
Andre Kesteloot
- IEEE: wind-farms unprofitable
Andre Kesteloot
- iPhone 4-digit pin not secure ?
Andre Kesteloot
Andre Kesteloot
- Financial Times: Rival tablets ready to bite into iPad lead at a fraction of price
Andre Kesteloot
- TOR: not to be trusted
Andre Kesteloot
- Multitasking not a good thing
Andre Kesteloot
- SDR on iPhone
Andre Kesteloot
- Price of Ham Transmitters
Andre Kesteloot
- useful conversion site
Andre Kesteloot
- Creator of Mariposa botnet arrested
Andre Kesteloot
- WSJ: Your Secrets Exposed
Andre Kesteloot
- Anchorless TV Newscast
Andre Kesteloot
- Probably circuits challenge digital logic
Andre Kesteloot
- Easy Wireless ISM band design
Andre Kesteloot
- Researchers crack quantum crypto
Andre Kesteloot
- Follow-up on quantum crypto
Andre Kesteloot
- RF4CE on Zigbee networks
Andre Kesteloot
- Cute, looks good, and works too.
Andre Kesteloot
- A free backup program that works faultlessly
Andre Kesteloot
- Transpacific LF QSO
Andre Kesteloot
- Designing With FPGAs
Andre Kesteloot
- Group Build at the Mason Dixon Hamfest
Andre Kesteloot
- Antennas at JO1DZA
Andre Kesteloot
- RAID Array in win 7
Andre Kesteloot
- A "unidirectional" Diode ?
Andre Kesteloot
- Real radio :-)
Andre Kesteloot
- All about the EF50
Andre Kesteloot
- Real radio :-)
Andre Kesteloot
- Real radio :-)
Andre Kesteloot
- Wireless trends for 2011
Andre Kesteloot
- New products from National Semiconductors
Andre Kesteloot
- Using Ubuntu on a USB flash drive
Andre Kesteloot
- How to boot with Avira rescue CD
Andre Kesteloot
- For Kodachrome Fans, Road Ends at Photo Lab in Kansas - NYTimes.com
Andre Kesteloot
- Toyotas and neutrons
Frank Gentges Metavox LLC
- Schumann Resonance Receiver
Frank Gentges Metavox LLC
- low cost 10 meter rig
Bill Liles
- low cost 10 meter rig
Bill Liles
Bill Liles
- GE SDR boards
Bill Liles
- Cosmic Noise: A History of Early Radio Astronomy
Bill Liles
- research question for 12th, 15th and 17th edition of ARRL Antenna Book
Bill Liles
- more on Antenna Book request
Bill Liles
- Pretty cool from Honda
Louis Mamakos
- A BPL Interference Contest!
Louis Mamakos
- Loran C off the air
Louis Mamakos
- *****SPAM***** Re: Loran C off the air
Louis Mamakos
- Researchers crack quantum crypto
Louis Mamakos
- Group Build at the Mason Dixon Hamfest
Louis Mamakos
- Group Build at the Mason Dixon Hamfest
Louis Mamakos
- HacDC High Altitude Balloon launch November 6
- Making SMD boards - wither paste stencils?
- Broward Amateur Radio Club - The most informative Amateur Radio Site on the Internet!
- AMRAD web site down?
- radio astronomy books
- SDR-14 vs SDR-IQ
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- SDR-14 vs SDR-IQ
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- QS1-R vs SDR-14 vs Perseus -- Direct Sampling HF Receivers
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- QS1-R vs SDR-14 vs Perseus -- Direct Sampling HF Receivers
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- multi-channel receiver with web interface
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Fwd: Re: [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Fwd: Re: [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- British Electromagnetic Compatibility Industry Association Recommends Against BPL
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Fwd: Amateur Spread Spectrum rule changes
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Green Power may destabilize grid
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Amateur Radio High Altitude Ballooning
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Green Power may destabilize grid
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Fwd: Re: there oughta be a web site....
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Camera batteries (Was: Green Bank)
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- NRAO field trip
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Antenna Installation
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Loran C off the air
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Loran C off the air
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Fwd: GE SDR boards
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Loran C off the air
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Jansky Antenna
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Deep Space Exploration Society
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- NRAO post-visit
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- NRAO post-visit
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- radio astronomy books
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- radio astronomy books
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- Tacos Digest, Vol 93, Issue 8
Tom Azlin N4ZPT
- solar cells
Mike O'Dell
- solar cells
Mike O'Dell
- solar cells
Mike O'Dell
- solar cells
Mike O'Dell
- SDR-14 vs SDR-IQ
Mike O'Dell
- SDR-14 vs SDR-IQ
Mike O'Dell
- SDR-14 vs SDR-IQ
Mike O'Dell
- SDR-14 vs SDR-IQ
Mike O'Dell
- the ultimate "screen scraper" - decode call signs from a zillion CW stations at once
Mike O'Dell
- QS1-R vs SDR-14 vs Perseus -- Direct Sampling HF Receivers
Mike O'Dell
- QS1-R vs SDR-14 vs Perseus -- Direct Sampling HF Receivers
Mike O'Dell
- QS1-R vs SDR-14 vs Perseus -- Direct Sampling HF Receivers
Mike O'Dell
- QS1-R vs SDR-14 vs Perseus -- Direct Sampling HF Receivers
Mike O'Dell
- Akinator
Mike O'Dell
- multi-channel receiver with web interface
Mike O'Dell
- multi-channel receiver with web interface
Mike O'Dell
- IEEE: About Wind Turbines
Mike O'Dell
- IEEE: About Wind Turbines
Mike O'Dell
- Beware of Internet surfing ?
Mike O'Dell
- IEEE: About Wind Turbines
Mike O'Dell
- anyone know anything about these guys?
Mike O'Dell
- IEEE: About Wind Turbines
Mike O'Dell
- Fwd: Radio Geezers
Mike O'Dell
- uh, well, it *is* electronic....
Mike O'Dell
- IEEE: Steganography over VoIp threat
Mike O'Dell
- i remember the Xerox 820 boards...
Mike O'Dell
- Cramming Charges on your telephone bill
Mike O'Dell
- "And now for something completely different..."
Mike O'Dell
- first unmanned transatlantic crossing
Mike O'Dell
- AM modulation
Mike O'Dell
- AM modulation
Mike O'Dell
- NetWitness...
Mike O'Dell
- i've got one of their smaller iron/air stations and it's quite nice
Mike O'Dell
- Fwd: Re: [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Mike O'Dell
- [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Mike O'Dell
- British Electromagnetic Compatibility Industry Association Recommends Against BPL
Mike O'Dell
- [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
Mike O'Dell
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Mike O'Dell
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Mike O'Dell
- More Free Energy - Again?
Mike O'Dell
- More Free Energy - Again?
Mike O'Dell
- Signal Hound Spectrum Analyzer
Mike O'Dell
- DEC Ditties
Mike O'Dell
- latest QST... - probably an April 1st article, but amusing anyway
Mike O'Dell
- FCC wants 120 MHz from the TV stations
Mike O'Dell
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
Mike O'Dell
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
Mike O'Dell
- Toyotas and neutrons
Mike O'Dell
- a stunning April 1st gem
Mike O'Dell
- Hamfest in Timonium?
Mike O'Dell
- USB dsp for $2.23
Mike O'Dell
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
Mike O'Dell
- Modular Nuclear Plants
Mike O'Dell
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
Mike O'Dell
- Green Power may destabilize grid
Mike O'Dell
- Manassas BPL to QRT
Mike O'Dell
- Green Power may destabilize grid
Mike O'Dell
- not ham radio, but goof-worthy none the less
Mike O'Dell
- hang on to your ground rods for dear life.... coronal mass ejection
Mike O'Dell
- there oughta be a web site....
Mike O'Dell
- UK no-fly zone
Mike O'Dell
- Fwd: Re: there oughta be a web site....
Mike O'Dell
- Fwd: Re: there oughta be a web site....
Mike O'Dell
- "How to Wreck a Nice Beach"
Mike O'Dell
- Weakness of US Passports and Smart Cards (Jerusalem Post)
Mike O'Dell
- Liquid Metal batteries for Stationary applications ?
Mike O'Dell
- i think this counts as "excessive"
Mike O'Dell
- Smart Grid Proof?
Mike O'Dell
- Smart Grid Proof?
Mike O'Dell
- Smart Grid Proof?
Mike O'Dell
- AMRAD Hamvention 2010
Mike O'Dell
- The Significant Digit
Mike O'Dell
- Copy Machine Security
Mike O'Dell
- Copy Machine Security
Mike O'Dell
- Copy Machine Security
Mike O'Dell
- Electronic Design: Chronic Over-Regulation: Get Ready For Net Neutrality
Mike O'Dell
- More on the subject of Computer security
Mike O'Dell
- A small corner of paradise...
Mike O'Dell
- radar on Craig's list
Mike O'Dell
- Pretty cool from Honda
Mike O'Dell
- IEEE: wind-farms unprofitable
Mike O'Dell
- Financial Times: Rival tablets ready to bite into iPad lead at a fraction of price
Mike O'Dell
- Financial Times: Rival tablets ready to bite into iPad lead at a fraction of price
Mike O'Dell
- Facebook malware ?
Mike O'Dell
- does anyone know....
Mike O'Dell
- A BPL Interference Contest!
Mike O'Dell
- "an EMP Suitcase" ???????????????
Mike O'Dell
Mike O'Dell
Mike O'Dell
- A whole TI kit for $4.30
Mike O'Dell
- on another topic...
Mike O'Dell
- A whole TI kit for $4.30
Mike O'Dell
- IEEE: More efficient solar cells ?
Mike O'Dell
- iPhone4 and manual antenna detuning....
Mike O'Dell
- iPhone4 antenna issues
Mike O'Dell
- iPhone4 and manual antenna detuning....
Mike O'Dell
- Nuclear Submarines
Mike O'Dell
- low cost 10 meter rig
Mike O'Dell
- surplus joint in ft worth...
Mike O'Dell
- a moment of silence, please
Mike O'Dell
- "Frontiers of Radar Technology"
Mike O'Dell
- very interesting circuit ideas.....
Mike O'Dell
- great article by da man hisself, Bob Pease
Mike O'Dell
- BPL plaque presentation
Mike O'Dell
- Car racing: getting data from the car to the pit?
Mike O'Dell
- GE SDR boards
Mike O'Dell
- Loran C off the air
Mike O'Dell
- Loran C off the air
Mike O'Dell
- Loran C off the air
Mike O'Dell
- Fwd: GE SDR boards
Mike O'Dell
- Loran C off the air
Mike O'Dell
- here's someone else asking......
Mike O'Dell
- a very interesting job posting.....
Mike O'Dell
- 250kw generator
Mike O'Dell
- IRLP from here in Charleston?
Mike O'Dell
- Testing ....
Mike O'Dell
- Fwd: [dorkbotdc-blabber] Reminder: Processing and Arduino in Tandem free webcast
Mike O'Dell
- so much for the myth that RFID is mysterious technology...
Mike O'Dell
- Researchers crack quantum crypto
Mike O'Dell
- Fwd: Press Release ITS Launches Its First Telecommunications Science Video Series for the Public
Mike O'Dell
- NRAO post-visit
Mike O'Dell
- Ethernet SDR Interfacing
Mike O'Dell
- Simulated 6502 transistors
Mike O'Dell
- RF4CE on Zigbee networks
Mike O'Dell
- The end of ubiquitous 3.58MHz crystals?
Mike O'Dell
- a winning hack for improving Ferric Chloride board etching....
Mike O'Dell
- Group Build at the Mason Dixon Hamfest
Mike O'Dell
- New ADC from Analog Devices
Mike O'Dell
- Holy Breadboard, Batman!
Mike O'Dell
- Making SMD boards - wither paste stencils?
Mike O'Dell
- Making SMD boards - wither paste stencils?
Mike O'Dell
- getting awfully close to a one-board solution....
Mike O'Dell
- big honking alternators
Mike O'Dell
- A "unidirectional" Diode ?
Mike O'Dell
- A "unidirectional" Diode ?
Mike O'Dell
- A question for the assembled wizdum...
Mike O'Dell
- Broward Amateur Radio Club - The most informative Amateur Radio Site on the Internet!
Mike O'Dell
- Microsoft Security Essentials version 2.0
Mike O'Dell
- For Kodachrome Fans, Road Ends at Photo Lab in Kansas - NYTimes.com
Mike O'Dell
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
Richard O'Neill
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Richard O'Neill
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Richard O'Neill
Richard O'Neill
- More Free Energy - Again?
Richard O'Neill
- "R. Feynman on Papp Perpetual Motion Engine"
Richard O'Neill
- World's largest building, largest mall, from space
Richard O'Neill
- "Deranged Gunman Opens Fire On Shooting Range"
Richard O'Neill
- What's up, sunshine?
Richard O'Neill
- Remarkable Space Station Sky Show
Richard O'Neill
Richard O'Neill
Richard O'Neill
- Loran C off the air
Richard O'Neill
- Loran C off the air
Richard O'Neill
- Loran C off the air
Richard O'Neill
- The self-resonance and self-capacitance of solenoid coils
Richard O'Neill
- NRAO field trip
Richard O'Neill
- Wimshurst Machine
Richard O'Neill
- AM Radio Station Musical Chairs
Richard O'Neill
- The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project
Richard O'Neill
- Kodachrome
Richard O'Neill
- Ethernet SDR Interfacing
Patrick Strasser OE6PSE
- Happy Thanksgiving!
- Fwd: Sound advice from ITU to keep TV volume in check
Paul L Rinaldo
- USB powered chainsaw
Paul L Rinaldo
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
Paul L Rinaldo
- Computer clocks and Relativity
Paul L Rinaldo
- March 11 meeting
Paul L Rinaldo
- Additional info on guest speaker
Paul L Rinaldo
- Call for newsletter articles
Paul L Rinaldo
- Call for newsletter articles
Paul L Rinaldo
- April 8 meeting
Paul L Rinaldo
- Manassas BPL to QRT
Paul L Rinaldo
- Call for newsletter articles
Paul L Rinaldo
- Meeting reminder June 10 7:30 PM
Paul L Rinaldo
Paul L Rinaldo
Paul L Rinaldo
- July meeting
Paul L Rinaldo
- NRAO field trip
Paul L Rinaldo
- Aug 12 meeting notice
Paul L Rinaldo
- BPL plaque presentation
Paul L Rinaldo
- When Wind Turbines Go Bad...
Paul L Rinaldo
- Aug 12 meeting and NRAO trip planning
Paul L Rinaldo
- Aug 12 speaker
Paul L Rinaldo
- NRAO field trip
Paul L Rinaldo
- Antenna Installation
Paul L Rinaldo
- Fwd: IEEE Washington and Northern Virginia Sections: IEEE Continuing Education: Getting Smart on Smart Grid September 2
Paul L Rinaldo
- Fwd: IEEE Northern VA: University of Maryland Robotics Day (Sept. 10)
Paul L Rinaldo
- Thursday meeting reminder
Paul L Rinaldo
- Fwd: IEEE Northern VA: PES/IAS Meetings in September/October, 2010
Paul L Rinaldo
- Fwd: [ARROW-General-List] An amazing treasure trove of data, for free
Paul L Rinaldo
- Annual Meeting
Paul L Rinaldo
- Dec 14 AMRAD Annual Meeting
Paul L Rinaldo
- Annual Meeting
Paul L Rinaldo
- Winterfest
Paul L Rinaldo
- Equipment Looking for a Home
David Rogers
- Equipment Looking for a Home
David Rogers
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
- Making SMD boards - wither paste stencils?
Nan and Sandy Sanders
- Belva Mays is in town...
Robert Seastrom
- Belva Mays is in town...
Robert E. Seastrom
- Akinator
Robert E. Seastrom
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
Robert E. Seastrom
- electronic destruction
Robert E. Seastrom
- Beware of Internet surfing ?
Robert E. Seastrom
- K0BRA Trqnsmitter Goes to New Home
Robert E. Seastrom
- Computer clocks and Relativity
Robert E. Seastrom
- Signal Hound Spectrum Analyzer
Robert E. Seastrom
- Signal Hound Spectrum Analyzer
Robert E. Seastrom
- iPhone Apps: Roll your Own ?
Robert E. Seastrom
- here is Ubuntu 10.4 LTS (long term support)
Robert E. Seastrom
- i think this counts as "excessive"
Robert E. Seastrom
- Smart Grid Proof?
Robert E. Seastrom
- Smaller Nuclear plants
Robert E. Seastrom
- does anyone know....
Robert E. Seastrom
- A whole TI kit for $4.30
Robert E. Seastrom
- A whole TI kit for $4.30
Robert E. Seastrom
- on another topic...
Robert E. Seastrom
- low cost 10 meter rig
Robert E. Seastrom
Robert E. Seastrom
Robert E. Seastrom
Robert E. Seastrom
Robert E. Seastrom
- Car racing: getting data from the car to the pit?
Robert E. Seastrom
- Car racing: getting data from the car to the pit?
Robert E. Seastrom
- Loran C off the air
Robert E. Seastrom
- Loran C off the air
Robert E. Seastrom
- Loran C off the air
Robert E. Seastrom
- World Time Standard
Robert E. Seastrom
- Loran C off the air
Robert E. Seastrom
- open source / sdr gsm
Robert E. Seastrom
- open source / sdr gsm
Robert E. Seastrom
- Loran C off the air
Robert E. Seastrom
- 250kw generator
Robert E. Seastrom
- IRLP from here in Charleston?
Robert E. Seastrom
- Kraus' Book
Robert E. Seastrom
- Ethernet SDR Interfacing
Robert E. Seastrom
- aluminum ion clock
Robert E. Seastrom
- Skype Connection for Terry's Presentation
Robert E. Seastrom
- HacDC High Altitude Balloon launch November 6
Robert E. Seastrom
- Group Build at the Mason Dixon Hamfest
Robert E. Seastrom
- Fwd: [ARROW-General-List] An amazing treasure trove of data, for free
Robert E. Seastrom
- Making SMD boards - wither paste stencils?
Robert E. Seastrom
- AMRAD Holiday Party, Dec 3rd
Robert E. Seastrom
- So you like to climb towers...
Robert E. Seastrom
- For Kodachrome Fans, Road Ends at Photo Lab in Kansas - NYTimes.com
Robert E. Seastrom
- Smart Grid Proof
Dave Skolnick
- *****SPAM***** Re: Loran C off the air
Patirck Strasser
- Ethernet SDR Interfacing
Patirck Strasser
- Ethernet SDR Interfacing [and 7 more messages]
Patirck Strasser
- Loran C off the air
Patrick Strasser
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
Robert Stratton
- "Backwards Music" station
Robert Stratton
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
Robert Stratton
- head-up displays for your car ?
Robert Stratton
- Toyotas and neutrons
Robert Stratton
- Toyotas and neutrons
Robert Stratton
- Smart Grid Proof?
Robert Stratton
- Electronic Design: Chronic Over-Regulation: Get Ready For Net Neutrality
Robert Stratton
- More on the subject of Computer security
Robert Stratton
- Anyone done much with EZ430s?
Robert Stratton
- FYI: "Two-way radios" included in Virginia Sales Tax Holiday
Robert Stratton
- Financial Times: Rival tablets ready to bite into iPad lead at a fraction of price
Robert Stratton
- on another topic...
Robert Stratton
- Ten technologies that should be extinct (but aren't)
Robert Stratton
- Speaking of regulators - a question.
Robert Stratton
- open source / sdr gsm
Robert Stratton
- 250kw generator
Robert Stratton
- Group Build at the Mason Dixon Hamfest
Robert Stratton
- Alright, who's been playing?
Robert Stratton
- Sound advice from ITU to keep TV volume in check
Philip Miller Tate
- Akinator
Philip Miller Tate
- Akinator
Philip Miller Tate
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
Philip Miller Tate
- "Backwards Music" station
Philip Miller Tate
- "Backwards Music" station
Philip Miller Tate
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Philip Miller Tate
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Philip Miller Tate
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Philip Miller Tate
- Beware of Internet surfing ?
Philip Miller Tate
- Beware of Internet surfing ?
Philip Miller Tate
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
Philip Miller Tate
- Latitude and Longitude in the US
Philip Miller Tate
- K0BRA Trqnsmitter Goes to New Home
Philip Miller Tate
- The VirginGalactic SpaceShipTwo
Philip Miller Tate
- British Electromagnetic Compatibility Industry Association Recommends Against BPL
Philip Miller Tate
- USB powered chainsaw
Philip Miller Tate
- Computer clocks and Relativity
Philip Miller Tate
- Computer clocks and Relativity
Philip Miller Tate
- More Free Energy - Again?
Philip Miller Tate
- More Free Energy - Again?
Philip Miller Tate
- More Free Energy - Again?
Philip Miller Tate
- More Free Energy - Again?
Philip Miller Tate
- Energizer Bunny writes a trojan horse.
Philip Miller Tate
- Why study?
Philip Miller Tate
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
Philip Miller Tate
- A replacement for the 807?
Philip Miller Tate
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
Philip Miller Tate
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
Philip Miller Tate
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
Philip Miller Tate
- iPad, First Look
Philip Miller Tate
- iPad, First Look
Philip Miller Tate
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
Philip Miller Tate
- UK no-fly zone
Philip Miller Tate
- UK no-fly zone
Philip Miller Tate
- Recuperating wasted energy
Philip Miller Tate
- i think this counts as "excessive"
Philip Miller Tate
- The Significant Digit
Philip Miller Tate
- Copy Machine Security
Philip Miller Tate
- World's largest building, largest mall, from space
Philip Miller Tate
- More on the Smith Chart
Philip Miller Tate
- Pretty cool from Honda
Philip Miller Tate
- GPS glitch
Philip Miller Tate
- Facebook malware ?
Philip Miller Tate
- What's up, sunshine?
Philip Miller Tate
Philip Miller Tate
- San Francisco board passes cell phone emission law
Philip Miller Tate
- Remarkable Space Station Sky Show
Philip Miller Tate
- Nuclear Submarines
Philip Miller Tate
Philip Miller Tate
- When Wind Turbines Go Bad...
Philip Miller Tate
- Loran C off the air
Philip Miller Tate
- World Time Standard
Philip Miller Tate
- Loran C off the air
Philip Miller Tate
- Loran C off the air
Philip Miller Tate
- Loran C off the air
Philip Miller Tate
- Interesting musical group, and their Tesla instruments
Philip Miller Tate
- surplus stuff
Philip Miller Tate
- Alright, who's been playing?
Philip Miller Tate
- I am in the wrong business
Philip Miller Tate
- A "unidirectional" Diode ?
Philip Miller Tate
- Antenna install instructions
Philip Miller Tate
- Akinator
John Teller
- Akinator
John Teller
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
John Teller
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
John Teller
- Energizer Bunny writes a trojan horse.
John Teller
- iPhone Apps: Roll your Own ?
John Teller
- iPhone Apps: Roll your Own ?
John Teller
- Toyotas and neutrons
John Teller
- Toyotas and neutrons
John Teller
- Green Power may destabilize grid
John Teller
- Password Advice from the Boston Globe
John Teller
- That and a bottomless checking fund...
John Teller
- here is Ubuntu 10.4 LTS (long term support)
John Teller
- i think this counts as "excessive"
John Teller
- i think this counts as "excessive"
John Teller
- Smart Grid Proof?
John Teller
- Smart Grid Proof?
John Teller
- Akinator
Karl W4KRL
- IEEE: About Wind Turbines
Karl W4KRL
- IEEE: About Wind Turbines
Karl W4KRL
- Frank & Ernest
Karl W4KRL
- Frank & Ernest
Karl W4KRL
- flash on a droid?
Karl W4KRL
- Railroads ready to occupy the 220MHz band
Karl W4KRL
- Railroads ready to occupy the 220MHz band
Karl W4KRL
- FCC releases Internet speed test tool
Karl W4KRL
- Philips:a 60 watt LED bulb
Karl W4KRL
- Philips: a 60 watt LED bulb
Karl W4KRL
- Financial Times: Rival tablets ready to bite into iPad lead at a fraction of price
Karl W4KRL
- San Francisco board passes cell phone emission law
Karl W4KRL
- Ten technologies that should be extinct (but aren't)
Karl W4KRL
- Page 16 of IEEE SPECTRUM July 2010 BPL vs WiMax
Karl W4KRL
- W1AW Winter Operating Schedule
Karl W4KRL
- solar cells
Dave - WB6DHW
- nice to have in the summer
Dave - WB6DHW
- Alright, who's been playing?
Dave - WB6DHW
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
Mark Whittington
- Ethernet SDR Interfacing
Mark Whittington
- The little sailboat robot the could...
Mark Whittington
- Making SMD boards - wither paste stencils?
Mark Whittington
- Jansky Antenna
Gerald Wolczanski
- Jansky Antenna
Gerald Wolczanski
- Real radio :-)
Gerald Wolczanski
- Car racing: getting data from the car to the pit?
James Wolf
- AMRAD at Field Day
David Yarashus
- AM modulation
rabruner at aol.com
- Tacos Digest, Vol 84, Issue 21
rabruner at aol.com
- AM Transmitters
rabruner at aol.com
- AM Modulation
rabruner at aol.com
- Chainsaw ad
rabruner at aol.com
rabruner at aol.com
- AMRAD Holiday Party
bfenn at cox.net
- Railroads ready to occupy the 220MHz band
lstoskopf at cox.net
- Green Power may destabilize grid
lstoskopf at cox.net
- iPhone4 antenna issues
lstoskopf at cox.net
- Fwd: Press Release ITS Launches Its First Telecommunications Science Video Series for the Public
lstoskopf at cox.net
- Fwd: Frostfest 2010
prinaldo at cox.net
- Hamfest in Timonium?
metavox at earthlink.net
- busted gizmo
bbruhns at erols.com
- "Backwards Music" station
bbruhns at erols.com
- Beware of Internet surfing ?
bbruhns at erols.com
- A new use for your old circuit-boards
bbruhns at erols.com
- "And now for something completely different..."
bbruhns at erols.com
- AM modulation
bbruhns at erols.com
- AM modulation
bbruhns at erols.com
- Call for newsletter articles
bbruhns at erols.com
- Loran C off the air
bbruhns at erols.com
- A "unidirectional" Diode ?
bbruhns at erols.com
- AM Radio Station Musical Chairs
bbruhns at erols.com
- Oracle Federal Financials Opportunity
rpopovic at feditc.com
- Fwd: Radio Geezers
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Fw: Hexacopter
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Fw: Marble Machine
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- Telephone Call Flow - Erlangs
riese-k3djc at juno.com
- IEEE: Consumers electronics
andre kesteloot
- From the ARRL
andre kesteloot
- AMRAD Mtg Thursday @ Fall Church Community Center
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Wasting time at Work ...
andre kesteloot
- IEEE Climategate
andre kesteloot
- QS1-R vs SDR-14 vs Perseus -- Direct Sampling HF Receivers
andre kesteloot
- Akinator
andre kesteloot
- Akinator
andre kesteloot
- A source of some interesting stuff
andre kesteloot
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
andre kesteloot
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
andre kesteloot
- An interesting little scope for $149
andre kesteloot
- busted gizmo
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: About Wind Turbines
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Proton Cancer Imaging and Therapy
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: About Wind Turbines
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: About Wind Turbines
andre kesteloot
- A new use for your old circuit-boards
andre kesteloot
- A new use for your old circuit-boards
andre kesteloot
- Fwd: Radio Geezers
andre kesteloot
- My brain hurts
andre kesteloot
- Good info from Texas Instruments
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Toyota's Troubles. Are cars too complicated ?
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Steganography over VoIp threat
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Steganography over VoIp threat
andre kesteloot
- Cramming Charges on your telephone bill
andre kesteloot
- The VirginGalactic SpaceShipTwo
andre kesteloot
- Haiku
andre kesteloot
- "And now for something completely different..."
andre kesteloot
andre kesteloot
- More Hacking
andre kesteloot
- British Electromagnetic Compatibility Industry Association Recommends Against BPL
andre kesteloot
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
andre kesteloot
- Failure of Haiti's cell-phone networks
andre kesteloot
- [digitalradio] A closer look at ROS]]
andre kesteloot
- Forwarding e-mails to friends...
andre kesteloot
- Touch-table
andre kesteloot
- Waver for Robotics to use the ham bands
andre kesteloot
- Computer clocks and Relativity
andre kesteloot
- Computer clocks and Relativity
andre kesteloot
- Computer clocks and Relativity
andre kesteloot
- Computer clocks and Relativity
andre kesteloot
- [Fwd: Re: Computer clocks and Relativity]
andre kesteloot
- Computer clocks and Relativity
andre kesteloot
- The power switch
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Invasion of the Body-Scanners
andre kesteloot
- Hank Schlesinger's Battery Book - Of Possible Interest
andre kesteloot
- More Free Energy - Again?
andre kesteloot
- More Free Energy - Again?
andre kesteloot
- More Free Energy - Again?
andre kesteloot
- More Free Energy - Again?
andre kesteloot
- Energizer Bunny writes a trojan horse.
andre kesteloot
- Signal Hound Spectrum Analyzer
andre kesteloot
- Very interesting...
andre kesteloot
- AMRAD mtg at Oakton Library Mar 11
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Avatar wizards
andre kesteloot
- Fw: Marble Machine
andre kesteloot
- Marble Machine
andre kesteloot
- Fw: Marble Machine
andre kesteloot
- Modular Nuclear Plants
andre kesteloot
- head-up displays for your car ?
andre kesteloot
- A replacement for the 807?
andre kesteloot
- Extracting Hydrogen from water
andre kesteloot
- A mind-boggling Turing machine
andre kesteloot
- iPad, First Look
andre kesteloot
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
andre kesteloot
- Geiger kit and tubes at electronic goldmine
andre kesteloot
- Manassas BPL to QRT
andre kesteloot
- Green Power may destabilize grid
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Next on the Cyberhacker's Victims List: Industrial Infrastructures
andre kesteloot
- Israel bans the iPad
andre kesteloot
- free backup software
andre kesteloot
- Transistor
andre kesteloot
- Password Advice from the Boston Globe
andre kesteloot
- Will Electric cars be safer ?
andre kesteloot
- Bad Email Addresses for Charleston Build 2
andre kesteloot
- Weakness of US Passports and Smart Cards (Jerusalem Post)
andre kesteloot
- Recuperating wasted energy
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: All-Electric Vehicles Prepare To Shock The Automotive Market
andre kesteloot
- IEEE National Capital Area - May 2010 Calendar
andre kesteloot
- The situation in Afghanistan
andre kesteloot
- Recuperating wasted energy
andre kesteloot
- Recuperating wasted energy
andre kesteloot
- A Streetcar named fuel-cell ?
andre kesteloot
- Smart Grid Proof?
andre kesteloot
- i think this counts as "excessive"
andre kesteloot
- Malware embedded in PDF
andre kesteloot
- free oil?
andre kesteloot
- Interesting Animation
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Organic transistors
andre kesteloot
- [Fwd: IEEE Land Transportation Committee lunch meeting Tuesday May 11
andre kesteloot
- Copy Machine Security
andre kesteloot
- A Battery for the Grid ?
andre kesteloot
- Smaller Nuclear plants
andre kesteloot
- Smaller Nuclear plants
andre kesteloot
- Electronic Design: Chronic Over-Regulation: Get Ready For Net Neutrality
andre kesteloot
- IEEE = On cloud computing
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: wind-farms unprofitable
andre kesteloot
- GPS glitch
andre kesteloot
- GPS glitch
andre kesteloot
- Facebook malware ?
andre kesteloot
- Facebook malware ?
andre kesteloot
- Tips about fraudulent web sites ... from the AARP !
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Carbon-capture not the ideal solution
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: Biofuels not the solution?
andre kesteloot
- Electronic design: Smart Grid: The Moving Target
andre kesteloot
- What's up, sunshine?
andre kesteloot
- SDR on iPhone
andre kesteloot
- Quisk - a qualified SUCCESS!
andre kesteloot
andre kesteloot
- Finally, a Windows message that makes sense
andre kesteloot
- A whole TI kit for $4.30
andre kesteloot
- IEEE: More efficient solar cells ?
andre kesteloot
- When Wind Turbines Go Bad...
andre kesteloot
- $35 laptop
andre kesteloot
- An Electric Toyota RAV4
andre kesteloot
- An Interactive Smith Chart
andre kesteloot
- Simulated 6502 transistors
andre kesteloot
- Maker Faire comes to the East coast !
andre kesteloot
- Fun to Imagine
andre kesteloot
- Cute, looks good, and works too.
andre kesteloot
- aluminum ion clock
andre kesteloot
- research question for 12th, 15th and 17th edition of ARRL Antenna Book
andre kesteloot
- Fwd: The information you need for Embedded Systems, FPGAs, Processors, Software and more...
andre kesteloot
- Alright, who's been playing?
andre kesteloot
- A "unidirectional" Diode ?
andre kesteloot
- A "unidirectional" Diode ?
andre kesteloot
- Flatbed scanner for sale
andre kesteloot
- An interesting concept
andre kesteloot
- This version of Pebble appears to work on Firefox
andre kesteloot
- Microsoft Security Essentials version 2.0
andre kesteloot
- Antenna install instructions
andre kesteloot
- Maker: a cigar-box guitar
joseph at kirtland.com
- Dayton Long Range Weather Forcast
joseph at kirtland.com
- Coast Guard to Cease Loran C
fgentges at mindspring.com
- BC250GY Transmitter move on Saturday
fgentges at mindspring.com
- British Electromagnetic Compatibility Industry Association Recommends Against BPL
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Field Day 2010
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Charleston Receiver Group Build #2
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Energizer Bunny writes a trojan horse.
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Signal Hound Spectrum Analyzer
fgentges at mindspring.com
- Popular Science Archive On Line
fgentges at mindspring.com
- For Kodachrome Fans, Road Ends at Photo Lab in Kansas - NYTimes.com
w3qx at qsl.net
- Electronic Design: Chronic Over-Regulation: Get Ready For Net Neutrality
jsteller at spottydog.us
- does anyone know....
jason at thought.net
- Ethernet SDR Interfacing
jason at thought.net
- Group Build at the Mason Dixon Hamfest
jason at thought.net
- AMRAD Mtg Thursday @ Fall Church Community Center
lemaster at verizon.net
- AMRAD mtg at Oakton Library Mar 11
lemaster at verizon.net
- SDR-14 vs SDR-IQ
- SDR-14 vs SDR-IQ
- QS1-R vs SDR-14 vs Perseus -- Direct Sampling HF Receivers
- More Free Energy - Again?
- iPhone Apps: Roll your Own ?
- Call for newsletter articles
- head-up displays for your car ?
- USB dsp for $2.23
- USB dsp for $2.23
- iPad, First Look
- iPad, First Look
- Smaller Nuclear plants
- SDR on iPhone
- low cost 10 meter rig
- low cost 10 meter rig
- Loran C off the air
- Looking for Elecraft K3
- Ethernet SDR Interfacing
- Ethernet SDR Interfacing
- Ethernet SDR Interfacing [and 7 more messages]
- Group Build at the Mason Dixon Hamfest
- Group Build at the Mason Dixon Hamfest
- Group Build at the Mason Dixon Hamfest
- New ADC from Analog Devices
- Alright, who's been playing?
- Alright, who's been playing?
- I am in the wrong business
- AMRAD Holiday Party Dec. 3rd
- Broward Amateur Radio Club - The most informative Amateur Radio Site on the Internet!
- Gas Pedals are Complicated
- nice to have in the summer
- nice to have in the summer
- new 33Km band record
- Toyotas and neutrons
- Green Power may destabilize grid
- AMRAD Hamvention 2010
- GPS glitch
- $35 laptop
- Camera batteries (Was: Green Bank)
- I could almost see AMRADers doing this
- A Sad Day
- cyber weapons
- aluminum ion clock
- I am in the wrong business
- For Kodachrome Fans, Road Ends at Photo Lab in Kansas - NYTimes.com
- For Kodachrome Fans, Road Ends at Photo Lab in Kansas - NYTimes.com
Last message date:
Fri Dec 31 19:08:53 CST 2010
Archived on: Wed Jan 19 19:58:12 CST 2011
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).